Sacred Games's Cuckoo Kubbra Sait answers whether she is a transgender in real life or not


The role of Kubbra Sait, who played an important role in the recently published Netflix web series Sacred Games became a topic of discussion on the Internet. Her serious portrayal of a transgender named "Cuckoo" has left fans wondering if she is actually a transgender.

When asked to comment, Kubbra said at midday: "In my opinion, it's their appreciation, I'm a woman who loves men, but I've managed to convince the world that I have a willy. the character with the same honesty that I played a tree when I was six years old, in a school play. "

Her role involved nudity and she is particularly appreciated for bringing out the human side of Cuckoo." The character made a reference in the book, but once they saw how it went, they wrote more scenes for me, most of what we filmed was preserved. "

In a previous interview with Times Now, Kubbra revealed how things unfolded on sets:" He (Anurag Kashyap , co-director of Sacred Games) made me do the scene seven times – every time after the scene, he came to see me and said that I make you do it so many times, sorry haan … Just one Once again, ek aur baar, one more and I'm still going, do not hate me, I know you hate me, do not hate me. "

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