Sagar basks in the glory of Wimbledon


Saguru S. Kashyap of Mysuru, an official of AITA, became the first Indian and Asian to officiate as a chair referee at Wimbledon – during the junior boys' final between C. Tseng from Chinese Taipei and J. Draper from Great Britain.

While checking his letters on Saturday, Sagar found a special one from the Wimbledon Referee Chief's office. He said that he would be the chair umpire for the junior boys final Sunday.

After facing excitement, Sagar had the chance to fall asleep and then embark on the most important game of his career. And it will stay in his memory forever.

Sagar, 31, studied engineering at the Vidya Vikas Engineering College in Mysore and played at the Mysore Tennis Club and the Nagaraj Tennis Center. He is a qualified referee of the ITF Badge and has officiated in all Grand Slam tournaments.

In 2015, Abhishek Mukherjee and Sagar were the line referees for the men's final between Novak Djokovich and Roger Federer.

It was the first time that India had two officials in any final at Wimbledon.

He is only the third and also the youngest Indian to be selected for a Wimbledon final.

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