Salman is not angry at Priyanka for leaving Bharat. Everything is "cool" between the two


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Salman Khan and Priyanka Chopra

The sudden decision of Priyanka Chopra to leave Bharat of Salman Khan to become engaged to Nick Jonas

Just after the announcement of the news, rumors were spreading like wildfire around a bitter separation between Salman Khan and PeeCee, some claiming that the actor had "sworn" "never to work with peecee [19659004Unesourceprochedudéveloppementaditàl&#39;ADNqu&#39;iLN&#39;yavaitpasd&#39;angoisseentrelesdeux"PeeCeeetSalmanmonsieursontcoolIlsn&#39;ontaucunproblèmelesunsaveclesautresIlsontdécidédesesépareramicalementetiln&#39;yapasdemauvaissangentreeux"adéclarélasource

Ali Abbas Zafar had kindly tweeted about of the release of Priyanka, "Yes Priyanka Chopra is no longer part of @Bharat_TheFilm & very special, she told us in the Nick of time of her decision and we are very happy for her … Team Bharat wishes @priyankachopra loads of love and happiness for life. "

The latest rumor is that Katrina Kaif was rumored to be Nick proposing to Priyanka for his 36th birthday, while visiting England.

Priyanka and Nick sparked rumors when they arrived at Met Gala from last year together, the actress had explained on the show from Jimmy Kimmel: "We were both Ralph Lauren and we decided to go together." It was fun "

C is Quantico co-star of Priyanka Graham Rogers who introduced them, Nick revealed:" We met like New York the first time and the same day I think we have discovered that the Gala Met with Ralph Lauren, and as weird as it may sound, but we could not have planned it.We've just had a good time.This is a lovely person, "he had stated in an interview last year

In recent months, Priyanka and Nick got closer, PeeCee attended the wedding of Nick's cousin and met his family. Priyanka's mother, Madhu Chopra, Nick and PeeCee should tie a knot in October

SEE ALSO: Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas got engaged in London for his 36th birthday: Reports ]

ALSO SEE: The producer of Bharat slams Priyanka for having stopped filming: He was unprofessional

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