Salman Rushdie's novel Midnight's Children for a new life as an original Netflix series


By: PTI | Los Angeles |

Posted: June 29, 2018 21:31:21 pm

  Salman Rushdie Midnight Children to become the original series of Netflix Netflix to adapt Midnight ' s Salman Rushdie's children in the original series.

Netflix has announced a new original series based on the clbadic novel by Salman Rushdie, Midnight & # 39; s Children. The novel, released in 1981, is considered Rushdie's magnum opus and has earned him multiple awards, including the 1981 Booker Prize, the Best of the Booker twice – in 1993 and 2008, and the James Tait Memorial Prize

absolutely delighted that "Midnight & # 39; s Children & # 39; s have a new life on Netflix, and look forward to working with them to help create it, "said Rushdie in a statement issued by the streaming giant

"Midnight & # 39; s Children" follows the life of Saleem Sinai, born on the stroke of midnight August 15, 1947, the time of independence of India. Each of his actions is reflected and magnified in the events that influence the course of the national affairs of India; his health and well-being are inextricably linked to those of his nation. He also possesses telepathic powers that connect him to a thousand other "midnight children" of India, all born in this first hour and endowed with magical gifts.

"Midnight's Children is one of the great novels of the world, and its themes are still relevant to India today. The narrative continues to fascinate the public for decades after its first publication, "Erik Barmack, VP International Originals at Netflix, said," We are incredibly excited to be translating this pioneering fictional work that parallels the birth of the company. Modern India, for a global audience. The rich experience and talent of Indian creators, combined with Netflix's global reach, has the potential for millions of more people around the world to rediscover this story, "he adds.

– The Filmmaker Canadian Deepa Mehta with Rushdie writes the screenplay However, like the book, the film was not as successful

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