Sam Smith and Brandon Flynn split after 9 months and fans are also Heartbroken


Unfortunately, life seems to mimic art when it comes to Sam Smith's love life. The singer "Too Good at Goodbyes" is now single. Sam Smith and Brandon Flynn separated after 9 months of attendance, according to a Page Six report on Wednesday. (Bustle reached out to the representatives for Smith and Flynn for a comment, but did not receive an immediate response.)

They started going out in November 2017 and the article reports that the former couple called him leaves last week. This recent timing seems to be coming true, since the singer seems to have removed several photos from them since his Instagram account on Tuesday night. An "inner source" claimed Page Six

"Sam and Brandon had a real whirlwind of love, they really fell in love with each other, but they are all two so busy with their career It's obvious that Sam is devastated, it's the most significant relationship he's ever had, luckily he's touring across the United States, which has been a welcome distraction. "

At least, there is something interesting: Smith will have a lot of raw emotions to put into his performances during the concert tour.

From that moment, neither the singer nor the 13 Reasons ctor publicly commented on the breakup, but they both put up some interesting Instagram Stories. On June 27, Flynn posted a photo with Allen Ginsberg's quote: "It's the time of night, lying in bed, thinking about what you really think, making the world private public, that's what the poet does.

Frazer Harrison / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images

Could this be in response to Smith's supposedly deleting photos of their relationship on his Instagram account? Could this even be an answer to the inevitable breaking news? There is no concrete answer to these questions, but fans have definitely noticed the cleaning of Instagram – and they are really sorry about it.

The breakup must be fairly recent since Flynn posted about his ex-boyfriend's birthday in mid-May. The actor wrote at the time,

"He is in a different time zone and he has celebrated his birthday! He has just completed his European tour, at 26 he has accomplished so many things … He is a happy angel! And I hope everyone g oes and shares all the birthday love, it is not easy to get old but he does it with thanks thanks for everything, Samuel! Happy 26, here's another incredible year of life! "

may have made an indirect statement via Instagram by removing a bunch of photos, but he may have sent another message via Instagram Story. He shared a screenshot of a song he listened to called "I miss you." Is it a coincidence or is this a message about the break with Flynn?

Instagram / samsmithworld

Even though the singer did not discuss the post-breakup relationship, Smith discussed their relationship for happier times for a January interview with V Magazine .

Smith said, "On a personal level, I am in a relationship and for the first time, I think I deserve to be happy." He even said, "I really wonder if I will soon write happy love songs." Six months later, it is clear that he will not write "happy love songs soon". Perhaps he has already written some while the two were still together.

Ruptures are difficult, but at the very least, Smith can use writing to overcome pain. The studio album of Smith in 2014 In the Lonely Hour was inspired by grief. He discussed it during an interview in 2015 with Digital Spy . Smith revealed, "My first album is just a diary of a 21-year-old loner."

In that same interview, he explained, "I do not have a lot of sad things going on in my life and it was the only thing that really affected me last year: I fell in love with someone who did not like me, and that made me very happy. enter this space: "Will I find a man to love? ? "

He continued," This album is my "f * ck off" to everyone and basically says, "No, I've been in love with a man and, so whatever it is either, it was a lot more painful than your version, because I do not get what I want with a man and it's so close that I can almost taste it. So it's my way to define what is love, and how unrequited love is just as painful, as powerful, that we call the "normal" love ". "

The only positive thing to get out of this difficult breakup was music, and Smith was able to let all his emotions out and work through the split, while creating a very revered album for his fans. He will be able to channel the break with Flynn in a new material, which would be the good side of this situation.

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