Scientists discuss the controversial experiment of genetically engineered babies


Although he disavowed any interest in the so-called "designer babies" whose parents chose the color of the eyes, hair, IQ, and so on. of their children, we are forced to consider such a dystopian "eugenic" future if we continue. in this way.

The human genome belongs to us all. As such, we must commit ourselves to doing everything in our power to respond to the 2015 warning of the Organizing Committee of the International Summit on the Modification of Human Genes in order to achieve a "Broad societal consensus" on how we should proceed or not.

In this regard, it is comforting to ask Feng Zhang to impose a moratorium on the implantation of published embryos and remind his fellow scientists that "in 2015, the international research community said that it would be irresponsible to proceed with any germ line editing. without 'general consensus of the company on the merits of the proposed application. & # 39; "

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