Scientists prepare for an expedition to the deepest depths of the world


(Reuters) – For the first time, humans will visit the deepest part of each of the five oceans, diving to the bottom of the sea with the help of a craft that can accommodate two people and designed to withstand intense pressures greater than 9 km below the surface.

The project, known as the Five Deeps Expedition, will use a special submersible vehicle whose construction took more than three years. It is made of titanium and other special materials that can plunge to the bottom of the ocean, said Victor Vescovo, an explorer who will drive the vehicle after his departure from his boat and her descent to the deepest parts of the ocean. 'ocean.

"I look forward to pushing the limits of technology, of myself and of my team, but also, hopefully, to advance a little humanity for that." she understands our world and shows what we can do. a species, "said Vescovo, who climbed the seven highest peaks in the world and went to the North Pole and the South Pole.

The manufacturer of the submersible vehicle, Triton Submarines LLC of Vero Beach, Florida, said on the company's website that he was the only one to be able to certify the transportation of people during 11,000-meter dives . Discovery and Science Channel will capture the entire mission for a project called "Deep Planet" to be broadcast in 2019.

Reportage of Jessica Resnick-Ault in New York; David Gregorio Edition

Our Standards: Principles of Thomson Reuters Trust.
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