Seth Rollins injured, how long did it come out for revealed



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February 4, 2019, 8:30 am IST


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  Seth Rollins Wounded
Seth Rollins Wounded

What story is it?

Looks like the 2019 WWE Royal Rumble Men's winner, Seth Rollins, could be dealing with an injury. According to, Rollins was already suffering from this injury before Brock Lesnar did not attack on WWE RAW.

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In case you do not know …

According to recent reports, AJ Styles, Becky Lynch and Seth Rollins may be experiencing injury problems at the moment, although their severity is not known now. The three events missed recently, WWE Live Events, have been at the origin of speculation.

Although Becky Lynch did not visit Canada for the live event that she missed, Rollins was in the building but was replaced by Dean Ambrose who was forced to work as a baby.

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The Heart of the Problem

John Pollock stated in PostWrestling that Rollins was legitimately injured and will probably be kept off RAW tonight. The report also stated that & # 39; The Architect & # 39; could be out of use for about a month:

"He does not participate in live events at the moment and should not be used on Raw this Monday to recover. We were told that he would only make specials without any physics for next month on TV. H / T: RSN

Although Rollins' injury does not seem too serious, WrestleMania will be in two months, WWE is still worried.

They can not afford to have the No. 1 contender at the WWE Universal Championship worsening their injury, forcing the WWE to quickly find a new challenger.

What is the next step?

The next WWE PPV is Elimination Chamber, to be held later this month. The WWE title will be defended inside the elimination chamber and the first female team champions of the WWE will be crowned. However, we do not know WWE's plans for Seth Rollins.

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Professional wrestling writer. Puroresu and strong style fan.
Writer for SK Pro Wrestling and Fox Sports Asia.

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