Shaad Randhawa: Aunt Mumtaz expected to return to India by the end of the year | Hindi movie news


On Friday night, social media was inundated with rumors that Mumtaz, the actress of yesterday, was breathing for the last time in Mumbai, as a result of a cardiac arrest, and that her funerals would occur once his daughter arrived in America. Rumors began to circulate after a trade badyst "shared" the "news" on his microblogging site page. In a few hours, director Milap Zaveri explained that not only had he talked to his nephew, actor Shaad Randhawa, but also to her over the phone and that the badyst had issued a clarification and removed her previous message.

Actor Shaad Randhawa, Mumtaz's nephew (his sister's son), told BT: "These rumors are just shit. I have no idea where anyone got this information. None of us in the family knew until Milap called me to ask about his health. I made him talk. Mumtaz aunty is fine, is in London with his daughter Natasha. Her grandchildren are with her and her health has never been so good. "

A year ago, around the same time, a similar rumor began to float, putting Mumtaz's relatives and close family members at the center of the rapid press. "It's so strange and so coincidental that it's also what happened last year when another person by the same name pbaded away and people thought she was dead. I was in Singapore and I started receiving frantic calls from people, "adds Shaad. "This time, my mother was in Israel and although Mumtaz and her aunt are in contact, she panicked when the word came to her. She should go to aunt's house in June. Mumtaz aunty is expected to return to India by the end of the year. I had to calm my mother. People must act responsibly in this era of social media. Everything, including false news, travels quickly and can have implications, Mumtaz aunty has a good sense of humor. She laughed so last year and she did it this time too. But my cousins ​​and she are also a little angry because it's not fair to any of them. Even though it is momentary, such rumors have upset people. "

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