Shabana Azmi and Javed Akhtar withdrew from the Karachi Arts Council demonstration


Actress Shabana Azmi and her husband, lyricist Javed Akhtar, announced Friday that they have decided not to attend the centennial celebrations of the birth of poet Kaifi Azmi in Karachi, Pakistan, following the terrorist attack Pulwama. The couple was invited by the Karachi Arts Council to participate in this two-day event.

"I am pleased that our hosts, the Karachi Arts Council, have agreed with us to cancel the event at the n-hour as a result of the Pulwama attack," Azmi tweeted Friday

Azmi condemned the attack, calling it "despicable" and called for a halt in cultural exchanges between India and Pakistan. "There is no way to continue cultural exchange between India and Pakistan, even as our martyrs are murdering us," Azmi said.

Azmi said there was a difference between the Pakistanis. establishment and the people of Pakistan. "On both sides of the border, sisters and brothers divided by circumstances in which they had nothing to do [to]," she said.

Akhtar, who had composed the CRPF anthem launched in 2014, said he shared a special relationship with the force. "I wrote their hymn, before putting pen to paper, I met a number of officers of the CRPF and all I learned, my respect, my admiration and my love for these brave were multiplied by several, "he said. "Today, I share the sorrow of the martyrs' relatives."

See also:

  1. Pulwama Attack Live coverage: the center convenes a meeting of all parties on Saturday, the CRPF brings to 40 the number of its badizes [19659008] & # 39; Absolute failure abject: The Pulwama attack testifies to the lack of policy in Kashmir, experts said.

@Javedakhtarjadu and I were really excited to celebrate it. I appreciate that our hosts, the Karachi Arts Council, have mutually agreed to cancel the event at the eleventh hour after the Pulwama attack.

– Azmi Shabana (@AzmiShabana) February 15, 2019

I am filled with grief and sorrow and all the rest … by the despicable attack #Pulwama . For the first time in all these years, I feel weakened in my belief that interpersonal contact can force the Establishment to do what is right. We will have to stop cultural exchanges

– Azmi Shabana (@AzmiShabana) February 15, 2019

I have a special relationship with the CRPF. I wrote their anthem Before putting my hand in the pen, I met a number of CRPF officers to all that I learned my respect, my admiration and my love for these brave were multiplied by several . Today, I share the sorrow of the dear martyrs

– Javed Akhtar (@Javedakhtarjadu) on February 14, 2019

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