Shabana Azmi: It is impossible to continue cultural exchanges between India and Pakistan | Hindi movie news


On February 14, 2019, terrorists from the CRPF were attacked by terrorists in the Pulwama district of Jammu and Kashmir. Javed Akhtar and his wife, Shabana Azmi, supposed to travel to Karachi, Pakistan, canceled their trip.

They were to attend a literary lecture on Kaifi Azmi's poetry. And now, the veteran actress has also expressed his views on the same subject and said that cultural exchanges between India and Pakistan should be stopped.

She went to her Twitter and posted a series of tweets expressing her dissatisfaction with the current situation between the two countries.

Here's what she tweeted:

I am filled with pain and sorrow and all the rest … by the ugly #Pulwama attack. For the 1st time in all these …

— Azmi Shabana (@AzmiShabana) 1550229070000

#Pulwama Attack It is impossible to continue cultural exchange between India and Pakistan, even though our …

— Azmi Shabana (@AzmiShabana) 1550229484000

But let's not lose sight of the fact that there is a difference between a Pakistani establishment and people from Pakista …

— Azmi Shabana (@AzmiShabana) 1550230115000

The whole country was in mourning after a kamikaze crashed into his SUV laden with explosives in a CRPF bus. More than 40 jawans were killed in the attack.

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