"Shah Rukh Khan Forever," Chris Martin's Coldplay Tweets. Read the comforting answer from SRK here


Coldplay's recent tweet from lead singer Chris Martin captivated all fans after the British singer signed the post, saying "Shah Rukh Khan forever".

Coldplay's recent tweet from lead singer Chris Martin captivated fans after the British singer signed the message, saying "Shah Rukh Khan forever".
Coldplay's recent tweet from his singer Chris Martin sent fans on overdrive after the British singer had left the post stating, "Shah Rukh Khan forever".

On the official Twitter home page of his group, Martin shared Monday night a list of songs "that he likes at the moment" and also congratulated Khan at the end of the tweet. What Khan has now answered.

The 53-year-old actor tweeted: "Will surely listen to the music you listen to my man.I will also send you Indian music.Love for you and health and life forever and more for you."
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Will surely listen to the music you listen to my man. We will also send you Indian music. Love, health and life forever and more, https://t.co/iAmPIb6sa7

Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) March 11, 2019

SRK reportedly shook a leg with Martin at Akash Ambani and Shloka Mehta at their wedding before the wedding in St Moritz. But that's certainly not where the Coldplay-SRK fellowship began. In 2016, the group was produced in India at the Global Citizen Festival, and Shah Rukh organized an after-party at his home after the concert, where Martin was spotted breaking the shack with Deepika Padukone, Salman Khan , Farhan Akhtar and many others.

The Coldplay Bollywood Association does not stop there. They shot the video of the song Hymn For The Weekend in Mumbai, and actress Sonam Kapoor played a small role.

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