Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan traveled to Chennai on Tuesday to meet Tamil director Atlee, known for his blockbuster films as Raja Rani Theri and . who earned respectively 50 crores, 150 crores and 250 crores at the box office.
Reliable sources say that Shah Rukh Khan and Atlee had a detailed discussion and decided to join for a film that will be presented soon. floors. After storytelling, Shah Rukh Khan invited Atlee to accompany her to attend the Super King Cavaliers vs Kolkata Knight Riders game at Chepauk Stadium in Chennai.
Atlee is currently filming his untitled sports host featuring superstar Tamil Vijay. he should start Shah Rukh Khan's film by the end of this year or early 2020 at the latest.
] Shah Rukh Khan. Solaris Image.
Long-time badociate to director Shankar of Robot and 2.0 Atlee is currently one of the leading directors of Tamil cinema mainly because of his hat. blockbusters stuff in Tamil cinema. The filmmaker was supposed to direct Jr. NTR even before his film with Vijay, but since the Telugu actor was occupied by SS Rajamouli's film RRR Atlee launched his film with Vijay and now, the complement of Shah Rukh Khan's composition is a cherry on the cake for the director.
According to some reports, Atlee's film with Shah Rukh Khan would be the remake of Mersal but there is no official word on it yet.
I thought I was expecting to go home to Mumbai …. I should not be doing a Chennai Selfie … so .. good bye Chennai and all the wonderful friends I've had met the film industry and of course the sports crowd at the stadium. Podu Whistle !! pic.twitter.com/lHP5n2T69D
– Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) April 9, 2019
While Bollywood is waiting for SRK to begin the career of the former Indian aviation pilot, Rakesh Sharma, biopic and Farhan The directorial film of Akhtar Don 3 Southern media suggest that the actor will resume the role of Vijay Sethupathi in the remake of Vikram Vedha . But the actor Dilwale seems to have found the scenario of Atlee as his possible return to the box office.
Once Atlee has finished filming Vijay's film, he should finalize the list of actors, technical crew and other details of the film with SRK.
The film Atlee-Vijay is expected to be released for Diwali 2019, so hopefully, the director should begin the pre-production work of the SRK film in November or December. year.
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Publication date: Apr 10, 2019 at 3:00 pm
| Last Updated: April 10, 2019 3:03 pm
Date Updated: April 10, 2019 3:03:17 PM HIST
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