Shaheer Sheikh talks about rumors about his first Bollywood trip: The great filmmakers do not want the face of television to be their leader


Yeh Rishtey Hain Pyaar Ke the actor Shaheer Sheikh has been part of the TV world since 2009 and has been seen offering roles in the movies, but has not done so yet his debut at Bollywood. He says it's not that simple because most of the great filmmakers are not inclined to take a "television face" as the main character.

Last month, when his picture with the casting director of a famous Bollywood banner went viral online, netizens badumed that he would soon be seen on the big screen. But he denied having sung a Bollywood movie.

He did, however, play in Indonesian films. In a phone interview, Shaheer explained to IANS in a telephone interview: "I'm waiting for the right opportunity and the right character." I'm also a bit difficult when it comes to working. I need something that interests me, something that I feel I can do.

"Producers and directors must also believe in me, and the day it all happens, I will definitely make films."

Regarding the Bollywood movie offers, he says: "While I was signing" Dastaan-E-Mohabbat Salim Anarkali ", I was offered something, but most of the major producers or directors would not do it. the television face their main character or one of the most important characters.This is not so simple.

"The offers I have received so far mainly come from new filmmakers or from new production companies, even if it is a production company. known, it's a role that does not get me excited. "

But the actor does not feel that television actors are despised.

"I have a lot of respect from people who believe that we have put in a lot of effort and hours of filming day and night for a series, and they appreciate that. I'm really proud of the actors who break the barrier and make films.

"So far, many people have been accepted by the film industry and they are doing well, television can accommodate many more people than cinema … at least in India", did he declare. "Television is a media that touches almost every home, and I'm more than happy to be part of it."

As an actor, he believes that there is a responsibility to the public. "We have a great responsibility to deliver the right message, so I would like to do content-driven programming," said Shaheer.

Speaking of "Yeh Rishtey Hain Pyaar Ke," he said, "The message we are trying to convey is that the girl must have the choice to decide when she wants to get married." Just because it's the good age, she can not be randomly pushed into a relationship, it must be her decision. "

Sometimes scenarios are changed, characters are killed or shows stop suddenly. Asked about this, he replied, "I only work with people I believe in. I respect Rajan Shahi Sir (producer) and I'm happy with the way things are going in the series. ultimately, everything is an issue of hearing.

"In the future, if we deviate from our main track … there will be reasons for that.I understand that a producer can not suffer losses.This can not be something that does not work at all and he keeps putting money in. Whatever decision is made, I will support him, he believed in me, gave me a chance. "[19659014]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply (n, arguments): n.queue.push (arguments)}; if (! f._fbq) f ._fbq = n; n.push = n; n.loaded =! 0; n.version = 2.0 & # 39 ;; n.queue = []; t = b.createElement (e); t.async =! 0; t.src = v; s = b.getElementsByTagName (e) [0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore (t, s)} (window, document, "script", https: //');fbq (& # 39;) & # 39; 482038382136514 & # 39;); fbq ("track", "Pageview"); [ad_2]
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