Shame on those who think that English is more important than athletics for Hima Das


The Indian athlete Hima Das wrote the story by becoming the first Indian woman to win a gold medal at the International Federation of Athletics (IAAF), world champion of the under 20, in Tampere, Finland.

However, in India, no matter how many initiatives the government has taken to popularize Hindi, the ability of a person to be good in any activity is determined by his command of English. If it is important to be gifted for oral and written English, the most spoken language in the world, to communicate with people of different backgrounds, an athlete demonstrating a phenomenal physical mind should not to be judged on the basis of a language. [19659003] Hima Das "rel =" 725X483 "/>


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi often makes joint statements in Hindi during his travels abroad. Acting from the World Economic Forum or meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, his bilateral speech is often pronounced in Hindi only.We can also look to China as a country that has a culture guarded.The ministers and even the Ordinary people from China, Korea and Japan like to converse in their native language.

The French are also known for preserving their culture by using only the French language.The government of these countries transports translators everywhere. by ensuring that they reflect an image that represents them as proud citizens of their respective countries.

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    Given that Hima D As comes from a rural India where English could be one of the main topics, but thousands of them are still struggling with fluently speaking the language. ;English. Hindi with hundreds of other regional languages ​​make up India for what it is; a culturally diverse country. A sports person should not be the target of such derogatory remarks.

    However, Hima Das was no exception to the Indian Federation of Athletics (AFI) who appreciated him for his victory but criticized his ability to speak English. . AFI in a tweet said, "# HimaDas speking to the media after his SF victory at # iaaftampere2018 @iaaforg Not so fluent in English, but she gave her best there too.So proud of you #HimaDas Continue to rock and yes, try your best in the final! "

    Not totally derogatory but yeah we can not expect every Indian to speak a foreign language fluently !! But these excuses of @afiindia close the chapter !! Let's rejoice as long as to find faults !! Congratulations to Hima and all the team @afiindia @Media_SAI !!

    – Tridib Baparnash (@TridibIANS) July 13, 2018

    Fast to gather 61.7 thousand followers on Twitter, his followers immediately pleaded in his name saying that for a remarkable athlete as she knowing that a foreign language was not important. As the federation was on the receiving end of a violent reaction, they then posted excuses in Hindi.

    See the tweet below.

    एक भारतवासियों से क्षमा अगर हमारी एक TWEET से आप आहत हुए है! असल उद्देश्य यह दर्शाना था कि हमारी धाविका किसी भी भीाई से नहीं घबराती, मैदान के अंदर य या बाहर! छोटे से ँवाँव से आने केावजूद, विदेश में अंग्रेजी पत्रकार से बेझिझक बात की! Meanwhile रार फिर उनसेाराज हैं, जय हिन्द!

    – Indian Federation of Athletics (@afiindia) July 13, 2018

    Meanwhile, Congressman Gaurav Gogoi asked the Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports, Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore to talk about the issue. Rathore decided to stay mum because of what he had to deal with the heat at Lok Sabha on Thursday. Gogoi alleged that Rathore, a professional shooter himself and the receiver of several Olympic medals, sided with the Federation on the issue.

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