"Siberian Unicorn" has already walked among the first humans


A study published on Monday in Nature Ecology & Evolution (19659002) indicates that the shaggy creature roamed among humans, surviving in eastern Europe and western Asia at least 39,000 years ago, about same time as Neanderthal men and the beginning of the modern era. humans.

The report's authors did not respond to a request for comment.

The latest discoveries used radiocarbon dating and genetic badysis on 23 rhinoceros specimens to reveal the mysterious life of 3.8 tons, Elasmotherium sibiricum, which we thought about 200,000 extinct before. years ago.

They suggest that the "Siberian unicorn", who would have lived in Russia today and whose range extended to parts of Mongolia, North China and Kazakhstan, is extinct due to environmental changes having affected the type of herbs and herbs it has been eating, the authors of the. study wrote in the conversation.
  Genuine Siberian unicorn & # 39; remains found
The animal, whose horn could measure up to one meter long, was struggling to move away from the grbad-based diet, the authors wrote.

"Family members such as the woolly rhinoceros have always eaten a more balanced number of plants and are far less affected by a habitat change," they wrote.

They added that humans were not the cause of its extinction.

  An illustration of Elasmotherium by Heinrich Harder, circa 1908.

" In addition to this, the always limited geographical extent of Elasmotherium (probably also related to its specialized habitat), as well as a low population and a low reproductive rate related to its large size, l \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ would have predisposed to extinction in the face of environmental change, "said the authors. wrote in the study.

Scientists explain that the loss of the Siberian unicorn is a useful case study "showing the low resilience of rhinoceroses to changing the environment".

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