solar probe parker: the NASA spacecraft beats the record of rapprochement with Sun


TAMPA: NASA's solaris solar probe, launched earlier this year, set a new record for becoming the closest synthetic object to the sun, the US space agency said on Monday.

"The probe surpbaded the current record of 42.73 million kilometers from the Sun's surface on October 29, 2018, at around 13:04 EDT (17:04 GMT)," Nasa said.

"The previous record of closest solar approach was established by the German-American Helios 2 satellite in April 1976".

Launched in August, the $ 1.5 billion unmanned spacecraft has a strategic mission to protect the Earth by unraveling the mysteries of dangerous solar storms.

His goal is to make a series of 24 overflights in front of our burning star.

Another recording is in sight for the Parker Solar Probe.

The spacecraft should "break the record for the fastest spacecraft traveling against the Sun on October 29 at 22:54 EDT (Tuesday at 0:54 GMT)," said NASA.

"The current record of heliocentric speed is 246,960 kilometers (153,454 miles) per hour, established by Helios 2 in April 1976".

Parker's first close encounter with the Sun is scheduled for October 31st.

Its final close approach – only 3.83 million kilometers from the Sun's surface – is expected in 2024, NASA announced.

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