Sonam Kapoor agitated for sharing his message, soldiers pay the price of "Hindu and Islamic fundamentalists"


Amid increased tension between India and Pakistan, Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor-Ahuja was criticized for conveying allegedly "anti-Hindu" sentiments on its social networks.

The actress recently shared an article from the Facebook parody page "Humans of Hindutva" in the "Stories" section of her Instagram nickname. The popular Snapchat-based feature allows users to post short messages that last 24 hours before disappearing from the account.

The message that Sonam copied and pasted word for word in his story was a message against those who spread hatred in the process. He pointed out that the Indians and the average Pakistanis had a lot in common but that it was the responsibility of the Hindu and Islamic fundamentalists.
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The post is as follows:
" The average Indian has more in common with the average Pakistani than with a Hindu fundamentalist who wants to bomb on behalf of the Ram and Lynch minorities and rallies to the support of child rapists.
The average Pakistani has more in common with an average Indian than an Islamic fundamentist who wants to bomb other people in the name of Allah, oppress women and put guns in the hands of children.
Around the world, ordinary citizens only want to live a normal life, go to work, raise their children well and save for decent housing.

Hindu and Islamic fundamentalists have much in common. Their minds are poisoned by hatred and they both lack empathy for the other side. They both want war and make fun of its consequences. The cost of this extraordinary hatred against the fundamentalists of both countries will ultimately be paid by the ordinary citizens of both countries and by the soldiers who are always at the forefront of a fire that they have not lit. .


The" Humans of Hindutva "post is originally shared over 1,800 times

" Humans of Hindutva "is a popular page that often shares jokes and satirical content that can However, as a result of recent developments between India and Pakistan, many have called Sonam for sharing his "anti-Hindu" propaganda.

Sonam He was not the only actor to have received hatred. "Avantika Khan, wife of actor Imran Khan also received similar reactions for sharing the same message on his own Instagram account.

Sonam Kapoor and the wife of the actor Imran Khan therefore use the Bigot message FB page Humains of Hindutva.

Paid Posts? Jl

– सिंह (@iAnkurSingh) February 28, 2019

Sonam Kapoor plagiarizes a propaganda message entitled "The Hindutva Humans" on "Hindu Fundamentalism"

Good Article @nirwamehta . Feeders like @sonamakapoor do not deserve any pity.

– Nupur J Sharma (@UnSubtleDesi) 28 February 2019

View Imran's wife khan using the capture of screen of Humans of Hindutva post page to peddle its propaganda, First, India must make a surgical strike on this anti-national .. !!

– alfaaditya? (@sanghiboy) February 28, 2019

What is this so-called Humans of Hindutva? nothing to do with Hindutva or even with Humanity. It is a fake page intended to defile nationalistic Hindus. Manifestly led by a combo of pidis and proxies.

– TT Surenkumar?? (@ttsuren) February 28, 2019

Have you seen this fab page of Humans of Hindutva peddle the agenda that the Pulwama attack is due to the rise of Hindu fundamentals and @sonamakapoor and @avantika_khan by promoting them.
When are we going to boycott these Cabals of Anti Hindu Bollywood

– TheMonkWhoFight (@InkedMonk) On February 28, 2019

Wednesday, an army pilot of the United States. Indian air was captured by Pakistani military forces after shooting down two IAF aircraft into Pakistani airspace following the IAF air strikes in Balakot on Tuesday. While India reportedly shot down a PAF Mig-16, tensions eased when they published photos and images of the commander of the Abhinandan Varthaman wing currently in custody in Pak.

As a result of the events, social media that were already hateful and confused after the Pulwama attack on Feb. 14, which killed 40 people, still polarized with a hashtag for peace. and others for a creeping warmonger.

On Wednesday night, netizens from India and Pakistan used the #SayNoToWar hashtag to tweet against bellicose and demand peace. Many Bollywood residents also joined the group.

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