SpaceX Dragon arrives with an AI robot, coffee, ice cream and mice at the International Space Station


The International Space Station is transformed into a party place with a special guest on Monday – a SpaceX Dragon cargo ship. The ship arrived with astronauts and nearly 3 tons of supplies including super-caffeinated coffee, Texas blueberries and ice cream bars.

SpaceX Dragon, his first AI robot, and his ice cream, berries and identical brown mice. The SpaceX capsule landed on the station nearly three days after being launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida. Ricky Arnold, station astronaut, used a large mechanical arm to catch the Dragon's capsule as the spacecraft began to hover over Quebec City, Canada

Arnold heard the command of the Mission minutes before to catch the Dragon.

A little bigger than the size of a basketball, the AI ​​robot of the German Space Agency is expected to help German astronaut Alexander Gerst in his scientific experiments. Space delivery of nearly 6,000 pounds or 2,700 kilograms comes with a round robot Cimon (pronounced Simon) Cimon's brain is constantly updated by IBM to keep its intelligence and its role in a growth mode , always.

Super-caffeinated coffee with fresh blueberries and ice cream – with genetically identical mice for the study of intestinal bacteria, make visiting the Dragon an interesting spatial event by itself.

Arnold said, "It's hard to believe … until we came in. It's a 30th freighter to be captured by the robotic arm of the station.

US private companies hired by NASA supply most visiting vessels so that the space station never runs out of stock. [19659008] (With Associated Press Inputs)

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