SpaceX sends an artificial intelligence robot and supplies to the space station



July 05, 2018, India:

SpaceX, an abbreviation for Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, recently launched a SpaceX Dragon spacecraft that contained approximately 2600 kg of supplies, including mice for the purpose. Genetic study and materials for research with an artificial intelligence robot named Cimon, abbreviation of Crew Interactive mobile companion.

Cimon was launched at the ISS as part of the 15th cargo mission. This robot displays cartoon faces to interact with humans in the space.

CIMON has about 14 internal fans that help it maneuver in a weightless environment.

CIMON reacts and nods whenever asked a question. This robot communicates in English

By sending an AI in space, scientists are trying to understand the compatibility between new technology and humans for their survival.

As for mice, since they are biologically similar to humans, "Space scientists have observed accelerated changes in the physiology of the mouse in the space environment that are characteristic of certain diseases. such as osteoporosis and aging, "Kevin Sato, who is a leading scientist said in a recent news release.

This spacecraft reached the International Space Station on Monday, as informed by NASA. The Falcon 9 rocket helped lift the spacecraft on June 29 from the Air Force Station in Florida. Astronauts Ricky Arnold and Drew Feustel received the Dragon at the other end, the space agency mentioned in their blog post.

"We are waiting for very exciting weeks to unload science and start beautiful experiments" Arnold declared

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