State will build the Kadapa steel plant if the Center does not help: Naidu | News from Vijayawada


Kadapa: Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, N Chandrababu Naidu, issued a serious warning to the government of the Union for it to establish a steel plant in Kadapa, failing which the state government will start construction.

Addressing a meeting on Saturday, Naidu blasted the Center and the BJP leaders for refusing the Kadapa steel mill, although this is part of the 2014 AP reorganization law.

Naidu in his speech released three options to the government of the Union on the issue of steel mills. "Establish the plant as promised in the law, otherwise the state government will share 50 percent of the cost.If these two options are not acceptable, the state government will establish the 39; factory with the state funds, "said Naidu, reiterating his commitment to bring the steel mill to Kadapa.

Naidu also searched the YSR family, who is from the district, saying that the family has ignored the district and the region over the years. "You gave them two seats (Lok Sabha) (YSR Congress), but I am committed to representing you and developing this area as a priority," said Naidu. The CM is also sure to search the critics of the TDP, including those who criticized CM Ramesh's indefinite fast. "If you are engaged in a cause and there is honesty in the fight, fasting can go away." Ramesh is determined and committed to the cause. TDP agitation for the state problems, "he said.

The Chief Minister also congratulated C M Ramesh, a member of Rajya Sabha, for taking up the cause and going on an unlimited hunger strike for 11 days. While accusing the Center and the BJP of not responding to the fast even after 11 days, he felt the need to rescue leaders like Ramesh and asked him to give up the fast.

Naidu also spoke of the complicity of the BJP with the Congress of YSR and Jana Sena and the injustice towards the AP.

Naidu also congratulated Ravindranath Reddy aka B Tech Ravi who also joined the indefinite fast, but was transferred to hospital on the eighth day, where he continued the fast. The chief minister then offered lemon water to Ramesh and Ravi and concluded their fast by asking them to be ready for the biggest fight in the days to come.

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