Stem safety speed – Star of Mysore


The famous fable of The Rabbit and The Tortoise, recounting the challenge posed by fast rabbit to slow turtle, may also have witnessed a temporal distortion given its rare occasions when children are made . aware of the slow and steady message wins the race. One can not blame to infer that the modern child may fail to focus on the stable factor of the event by being influenced by the belief that speed is the essence of the life of our time . The field of astronomy can not attract people in general in the same way as the field of astrology, even in the present era, dominated by science and technology. Scientists in the first field may agree that the universe, including the nine (now eight, with Pluto losing its identity) planets and infinite number of glittering stars, provides the unprecedented example for the postman regular in the august company of the speed factor.

The speed at which the planet Earth moves around the sun and the revolutions of the planet on its own axis are surprisingly stable, a feature that has remained stable since the time when the planet Earth emerged in the universe 4.5 billion (4,500 billion) since. If these characteristics have changed even a little bit, the consequences are too numerous and beyond comprehension. In short, the schedule of 24 hours a day and 365 days a year is no longer valid

We owe it to the 16th century mathematician and astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus of the Renaissance (February 19, 1473 – May 21 1543) for formulating the model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than the Earth at the center of the universe. Having raised the issue of speed and stability factor while they together ensure the safety of the universe, one is forced to question these characteristics applied to our daily lives. We are in an era of fast automobiles, fast travels, fast communications, fast trains, fast food, fast and fast. In the process of losing speed in the mind, we risk to rule out the safety factor, because of the increasing number of road accidents that result in injuries and deaths that can be prevented even going at a slightly lower speed.

Have their connection in a unique way that badumes relevance in the current comings and goings in the country witnessed the cutting of mature trees and the planting of young trees. Can any one increase the speed (at the time scale) of young trees instead of cut trees that have allowed the air quality to be stable for long periods of time. centuries?

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