Steven Spielberg will present his review of Netflix Movies at the Oscars at the next Academy meeting


Filmmaker Steven Spielberg is expected to bring his criticism of Netflix films to the Oscars at the Academy of Arts and Film Science.


Update: March 2, 2019, at 1:47 pm IST

  Steven Spielberg will present his critique of Netflix Films at the Oscars at a forthcoming meeting of the I & # 39; Academy
Image: Reuters Pictures [19659006] Filmmaker Steven Spielberg is expected to bring his critique of Netflix's films to the Oscars at the Academy of Arts and Film Science.

The Spielberg Academy Award is dedicated to what the race never goes Roma a Netflix movie backed by huge sums, which did not respect the same rules as his badog studio competitors, reported

He believes that Netflix should only compete for prizes in the Emmy arena. Spielberg's representative governor is eager to support the rule changes at his annual post-Oscar meeting.
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"Steven is firmly convinced of the difference between streaming and the theatrical situation," said a spokesman for Amblin Entertainment.
"He will be happy if the others join (his campaign) when that happens (at the meeting of the Board of Governors of the Academy) .It will see what happens."

According to the Academy, "discussions on the rules of rewards are continuing with the branches.And the Council will probably discuss the topic at the April meeting."

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