'Study of Oumuamua reveals that an interstellar object could be a foreign probe


A recently published study will surely excite conspiracy theorists: it recognizes that the interstellar object "Oumuamua could potentially be any probe or extraterrestrial equipment. The spatial form of space, of unique shape, was spied on in October 2017, opening the door to a mystery that has not yet been solved. Although many questions about the object remain, one thing is clear: "Oumuamua comes from beyond our solar system.

The study emanates from the Harvard Smithsonian Astrophysical Center and details some of the unusual features of the spatial object, including its "image format" and rotational motion. As previously published, scientists have determined that 'Oumuamua, despite its observed properties, is not an active comet. It does not have a comet tail, gas emission or absorption lines, or cometary activity.

The new study is quite technical and addresses aspects such as the unusual and incredibly thin size of the object. The document states in particular:

We have shown that the observed non-gravitational acceleration of Oumuamua could be explained by the solar radiation pressure. This necessitates a low mbad / area ratio for Oumuamua of (m / A) ≈ 0.1 g cm-3. For flat geometry and typical mbad densities of 1 to 3 g cm-3, this gives an effective width. of only 0.9 to 0.3 mm, respectively. For a lower density material, the effective width deduced is proportionately larger. We find that, although very thin, such an object can travel galactic distances while maintaining its momentum and resisting collisional destruction caused by dust grains and gases, as well as by centrifugal forces and tides.

This raises a big question: what produced something with such a mbad-to-surface ratio? The study indicates that known space objects in our solar system, such as comets and asteroids, have a much larger mbad-to-surface ratio than this interstellar object. Has Oumuamua been produced naturally or is it of "artificial origin?"

The paper takes time to consider this latter possibility, stating that the interstellar object could be "a veil of light, floating in interstellar space as a debris of advanced technology." equipment … The light wing technology could be used extensively for the transportation of cargo between planets and stars. "

Some suggestions of artificial origin are put forward, notably the possibility that Oumuamua is a non-operational artificial space debris; the second suggests that it could be a probe sent to Earth from an intelligent non-human source. The researchers describe the latter as "more exotic scenario", concluding as follows: "A study of the veils of light as technosigans in the solar system is justified, whether or not Oumuamua is one of the them. "

Full study is available here.

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