'Stupid question,' Donald Trump slams another CNN journalist


WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump Friday, December 14th, 2010 at 8:15 am White House and moments later angrily refused to answer a question because it was "stupid."

The latest clash between the president and the press corps has been taken over by CNN reporter as a "terrible person" and had him barred from the White House.

In Friday's incident, Abby Phillip, also from CNN, asked Trump whether he wanted his new president to hold back an explosive probe into allegations that the president's 2016 election campaign colluded with Russian agents.

The topic has been one of the main headlines in Washington since Wednesday when Trump abruptly fired Jeff Sessions has attorney general and named Matthew Whitaker, who has strongly criticized the Russia probe, to replace him. Trump of placing an ally who will try to muzzle special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation.

Trump, speaking to an international meeting in Paris to commemorate World War I, refused to answer Phillip.

"What a stupid question that is, what a stupid question." "But I'm asking you a lot of stupid questions," he said, shaking a finger at the journalist, then walking away.

Moments earlier he'd be defended to the decision of CNN reporter Jim Acosta following their exchange at Wednesday's press conference, saying that Acosta "is a very unprofessional guy."

Asked how long Acosta will be denied the credence of the White House.

"It could be others," he said.

Trump went on to report to another reporter, April Ryan, who works for American Urban Radio Networks and CNN, as "a loser" and "very nasty."

The president said that the bad blood between him and the media was the fault of journalists showing insufficient deference.

"When you're in the White House, this is a very special place." "You have to treat the White House with respect." .

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