Sudden regime change in Sri Lanka: Mahinda Rajapakse is back, now as Prime Minister


Written by Nirupama Subramanian
Arun Janardhanan
| Chandigarh, Chennai |

Posted: October 27, 2018 5:19:58 AM

  Sudden regime change in Sri Lanka: Mahinda Rajapakse is back, now PM.

Sri Lanka was in the Friday after former President Mahinda Rajapakse made an impressive return to power as the country's new prime minister, was sworn in by President Maithripala Sirisena who dismissed Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, but Wickremesinghe described this as "unlawful and unconstitutional" and declared that he would prove his majority in Parliament.

The dramatic events in Colombo followed a break in the links between Sirisena and Wickremesinghe, notably onpolicy issues related to the economy and security. The United People's Alliance for Freedom of Sirisena announced that it was leaving the National Unity Government with the Wickremesinghe National Unified Party.

The government wavered since Rajapakse's victorious victory in this year's local elections. Multiple sources have indicated that Wickremesinghe was in Galle when Sirisena and Rajapakse moved to Colombo.

Express Explained: In Sri Lanka, President / PM / Former President

  Sudden regime change in Sri Lanka: Mahinda Rajapakse is back, now as PM Rajapakse was sworn in by President Maithripala Sirisena, who dismissed Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe. (AP / PTI Photo)

The president's action brought together the two parties of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party, torn apart when Sirisena became the unexpected candidate in the 2014 presidential election, defying Rajapakse and winning the victory. election. It also paves the way for the 2019 presidential election.

However, the question of the constitutionality of Sirisena's actions has raised many questions. Wickremesinghe was quoted by the Sri Lankan Daily Mirror website as saying: "I am still the prime minister of this country," while Finance Minister Mangala Samaraweera tweeted that what had happened was "illegal. "," unconstitutional "and" an undemocratic coup d'etat ".

Under the 19th Amendment of the Constitution of Sri Lanka, introduced by the Government of National Unity in 2015 and limiting many powers of the President, he also lost power to dismiss the Prime Minister.

This amendment clarifies. that a Prime Minister may be removed from office only if he resigns from office or ceases to be a Member of Parliament. The resignation of the Prime Minister may also lead to the dissolution of Parliament.

Under section 42 (4) of the Constitution: "The Speaker shall designate as Prime Minister the Member of Parliament who, in his opinion, is most likely to obtain the confidence of Parliament. "

But under Article 46 (2)," The Prime Minister shall continue to exercise his functions throughout the period in which the Cabinet of Ministers continues to exercise its functions in accordance with the Constitution, unless resigning from office. desk by handwritten letter addressed to the president; or ceases to be a member of Parliament. "

We still do not know if, and how, the Unified National Party is preparing to fight back. Nalin Perera, the new Chief Justice of Sri Lanka, has just been appointed.

According to the 19th Amendment, Rajapakse, who has already held two presidential positions, can no longer stand for the presidency. However, as Prime Minister, he would be in a better position than he was on the bench, to ensure the victory of his presidential candidate. Or, if the new dispensation decides to call early elections, Rajapakse could bet on enough votes to change the constitution again and get another blow for the presidency.

Kusal Perera, a political badyst in Colombo, said Rajapakse will work to secure a two-thirds majority in parliament. "According to the 19th Amendment, a resolution pbaded by a two-thirds majority may dissolve Parliament. We therefore expect a parliamentary election in early 2019. My observation is that Mahinda expects a two-thirds majority at the end of the poll to obtain a constitutional amendment thereafter, "he said. -he declares.

For Wickremesinghe, it's the second time we're unlucky. In a "cohabiting" government with the SLFP, whose mandate began in 2001, he was sacked as prime minister by President Chandrika Kumaratunga.

Friday night, legal issues seemed to have been ruled out, at least for the moment Rajapakse was sworn in, ending a game of cat and mouse between him, Sirisena and Wickremesinghe, which started when Rajapakse lost the # 39, presidential election for the benefit of Sirisena.

Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) supported by Rajapakse (SLPP) – essentially a repackaged faction of PCPP remained loyal to the former president – in local elections.

This was the beginning of the end of the NUG, with Sirisena.

India, whose relations with Rajapakse had broken off almost completely, is at the head of the United People's Freedom Alliance, led by the SLFP and led by the SLFP, and of Wickremesinghe, the leader of the unified National Party.

Unfortunately, prior to the 2014 presidential election, mainly for his open and almost deliberately provocative embrace of China during his second term as president, he followed the drift with concern, but did not not been able to tinker.

New Delhi allegedly supported Sirisena's candidacy in 2014 and see Wickremesinghe as the most sympathetic of Sri Lankan political leaders for India. But he also reached out to Rajapakse. Prime Minister Narendra Modi met him during his visit to Sri Lanka last year and in August, Rajapakse met Modi during a visit to India.

On Friday night, official sources in New Delhi said they were aware of developments and monitor the situation. the situation closely. The sources said that Wickremesinghe, who was in New Delhi last Saturday, did not mention the political situation during talks at the delegation level with the Indian side. "We will have to get an idea of ​​the situation since our mission in Colombo," sources said.

– With ENS, New Delhi

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