Syria castigates the evacuation of white helmets as a "criminal"


The Syrian government condemned a multilateral operation to evacuate hundreds of rescuers from the war-torn country as a "criminal process" destined to destabilize Syria.

The Syrian authorities have long described the search and rescue group, who are popularly known as white helmets, as a terrorist organization.

The group gained momentum by filming its operations to save civilians from Syrian government air strikes in the country's brutal civil war.

The government alleged that the group is staging videos. The ally of Damascus, Russia, accused the group of attacking civilians and blaming them for the government, a charge that has never been proven.

On Saturday, more than 400 rescuers and their families were evacuated from Quneitra province in Syria. Israel to Jordan, after the rebels handed over to the government the last areas they held in the southwestern province

The Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has described it as " smuggling operation "which was evidence of a Western conspiracy to overthrow the government. White Helmets have financial support from the United States, Britain and other countries.

The unprecedented operation was conducted by the United States, Canada and Britain, reports Friday the Associated Press.

The German Ministry of Interior confirmed yesterday that the country was going to grant asylum to eight rescuers and 39 members of his family

German Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer , said Sunday duty, "adding that more than 250 white helmets have been killed in the war since 2013.

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said that" the efforts of the White Helmets deserve admiration and the Germany has provided the group with 12 million euros ($ 14 million) in funding since 2016.

Meanwhile, Jordanian government spokeswoman Jumana Ghunaimat said that her country He was not invited to receive another group of White Helmets Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi and his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov discussed on Sunday "preliminary ideas" on the possible return of Syrian refugees to their homeland , but "we can not talk back until the Syrian crisis is over."

"Jordan is willing and encouraging return when the tension subsides because refugees are a heavy burden on the kingdom in light of the international community's inability to cover the costs," she said. declared. Last week, the Russian Defense Ministry said it had proposed to the United States the creation of a joint group, with Jordan, to organize the return of refugees. The group is believed to be linked to a US-Russia-Jordanian center set up last year in Jordan to monitor a ceasefire in south-west Syria, said General Milkahil Mizintsev

. Last week, President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin declared at their summit in Finland

that "specific proposals have been sent to the US side to organize the return of refugees to their permanent workplaces. residence." A similar operation would be established in Lebanon, he said.

The Lebanese national news agency reported yesterday that hundreds of refugees are returning to Syria from Lebanon. This is the latest in a series of returns this year. The Free Patriotism Party of President Michel Aoun has placed refugees at the forefront of its political agenda

The National News Agency said that 850 Syrians living around the border town of Arsal had been repatriated yesterday.

Nearly one million Syrians are registered with the United Nations Refugee Agency in Lebanon. The agency, UNHCR, says she's not organizing a return to Syria. He says that refugees should not be forced to return.

Israel said yesterday that it fired two missiles to intercept two missiles fired from Syria in the direction of Israel. Syrian missiles landed on Syrian territory just before the Golan Heights, which have been occupied by Israel since 1967.

(This story was not edited by Business Standard staff and is generated automatically at from a syndicated flow.)

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