The actress Tamannaah Bhatia, a big star in South Indian films, has been trying to find her mark on Bollywood for a while now. We will see her soon in Nawazuddin Siddiqui's movie "Bole Chudiyan". The actress considers the film as one of her greatest opportunities in Bollywood and wants the audience to consider her as a newcomer. Being one of the actresses who starred in the South with films like "Kandein Kadhalai", "Ayan", "Tadakha", "Dharma Durai" and the "Baahubali" series, Tamannaah played no memorable role in Bollywood.
"I know that" Baahubali "was a big deal for me, but in this film, I approach my character in a very different way.The world of this movie is very different.C & # 39; Is a Hindi movie I want our audience to watch I want to focus on the character's emotion rather than using my experience from my early films, "said Tamannaah, who replaced famed television actress Mouni Roy as a prominent woman alongside Nawazuddin.
She is delighted. to share the space with Nawazuddin: "I'm amazed at how effortless it is on the screen and convincingly portray each character, I think when I'm done shooting the film , I will know his secret actor! " she joked. So how did she react to this offer when she received a call for the movie? "First of all, when I got a call to play in front of an actor like Nawazuddin Siddiqui, I thought someone was playing a joke. checked, then I realized that it was an authentic offer! I must say that I am a big fan of Nawaz sir, "she replied.
Set in Uttar Pradesh, the film is a story of love between a bracelets seller and a village girl. This is the first film of Shamas Siddiqui, brother of Nawazuddin.
"Never Have I ever worked on a screenplay like this and that's why I'm very interested in the world of this story: I made movies in the South where stories take place in the rural landscape but where Bollywood has such a beautiful face of northern India is rare, "she said.
"I am very happy to be in the same setting as Nawaz.As an actor, it is always exciting to do something different and that is why it will be interesting", added the actress.
- Published: July 14, 2019, IST
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