Tamil actress Yashika is reported to have committed suicide: details here


Who is Yashika?

Asked a minute ago by Amit Rao

Answered by NewsBytes

Yashika was a small actress born in Tiruppur in Tamil Nadu. She has been seen in several television series, however, Yashika made her big debut with Mannar Vagaiyara last year

. NewsBytes </p>
<p clbad= Tamil actress Yashika has been suicidal after an unsuccessful relationship with her partner, Arvind.

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Is Arvind responsible for Yashika's suicide? by NewsBytes

According to media reports, Yashika accused Arvind of his suicide in his last message to his mother. However, the police are still looking for Arvind so that he knows his version of the story.

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What was Yashika's last post?

Question of Hansika Jindal

his last message to his mother, Yashika wrote: "For having abandoned me without getting married and for having tortured me, you must have him punished severely after I be a suicide. "

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