Tarot card horoscope of love of your astrological sign for the week of March 25 to 31, 2019


What's going on with these mixed signals?

In an ideal world, people would like to say what they say, do what they promise and know what they want from the beginning.

But we do not live in an ideal world. We live in a country where the subtext is ubiquitous in all conversations and liars resemble saints. It is therefore not surprising that most people find it difficult to navigate the emotional terrain of romance.

That's why your reading of weekly horoscopes and tarots from March 25 to March 31, 2019 will focus on how the zodiac signs can dispel the fog of confusion. it could hover over their love life right now. So let's look at what astrology has planned.

ARIES: The Lovers

Do not yet shout in joy, Aries. Because this card does not mean that you will soon benefit from a new relationship. No, it is not that.

Instead, it means you have a difficult choice in front of you. A solution that will change your life forever, regardless of the path chosen. So be very careful when making this choice. And do not let your impulses ruin you.

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TAURUS: Temperance

Too much good things are bad for your health, Taurus, even a devouring love story. So, if your love life has a crash right now, do not panic. It's a sign of life that we have to manage everything in moderation right now. That is to say, balance your personal life with your professional and your emotions with your intelligence.

It may be difficult to find the right balance at first, but over time you will do better. And your life will be much better thanks to these efforts. Start now.

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GEMINI: Inverted 6 of the cups

Gemini, if your love life has procured you a lot of late anxiety because you have forgotten the basic rule of all relationships. It always starts with friendship.

And not the false friendship that people forge to go forward in life or to create valuable "bonds". We are talking about a true friendship in which you like to spend time with the other person and really care about his well being.

So, if you have operated from one take to the other, take, take angle. It is now time to change to give, give, give.

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CANCER: 10 swords

This week is going to be hard for you, cancer. Because this week, something nasty will fall in your love life. A breakup, perhaps, or the realization that the one you love so violently does not like it at all.

We do not know the exact details, but we know that everything that happens will cause us a lot of damage. of pain. One you might even have seen coming. So be strong when that happens. Because each end contributes to something better, but only if you are ready to let go and have faith.

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Get ready to shoot these fireworks from the roof, Leo. Because this week, your heart will beat faster than ever before. And the rush to a new love will make everything look ripe and rosy.

Remember: a new romance is like a germinating seed. Full of potential and growth. But if the effort to keep it prosperous disappears after a few days or weeks, it will eventually disappear.

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VIRGO: Ace of Pentacles

Money comes your way, Virgo. And the timing could not have been better.

Wondering why? This is because financial independence allows us to truly and truly love people. After all, how can you be sure to love someone when you know you can not leave it since it supports your survival needs? So, enjoy this bargain and know that you deserve all you deserve!

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LIBRA: Prince of Cups

With whom do you go out, Libra? A real person? Or someone you have prepared in your dreams?

Do not seem so confused. Because it seems that you have pinned a lot of idealistic traits on this new person simply because they have presented some good traits in your presence. Or maybe because they look as flies as Prince Charming.

The fact is that you must not confuse an imperfect human being with the lover of your dreams. You will always be disappointed this way. Instead, see the real person in front of you and take each day with them as you go.

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SCORPION: 7 cups

Scorpio, you desire many things in life. And there is nothing wrong with wanting all of this until you are ready to wait for everyone to come to you at the right time. Or do not come at all if it was never meant for you.

The fact is that impatience has never responded to any wish and that it also does not have a scattered purpose.

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Sagittarius, It Seems That Someone Has Achieved Something Great! And even if you have not reached it yet, be on the lookout for some great news. Because it comes quickly.

Remember, it's easy to become arrogant when you take a big step. But the smartest people know that reaching the top is easy. Stay there is not.

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CAPRICORN: 3 of Swords

You do not like beating around the bush, Capricorn. So we will not go either.

This week, you are going to suffer great grief. Those that will be caused by the harsh words of someone you care about in your heart. Words that contain so many venomous truths that you can not even turn away to protect yourself.

When this happens, do not repress your emotions and stay away from work. This will only make sure that the wound gets infected and slips into your subconscious where it will cause further damage. The best thing to do is to take your time and relax the pain.

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You can & # 39; Do not believe your luck, Aquarius. You have finally found someone who could befriend your bestial side. Someone who does not think that there is something strange about having dark emotions or a sordid past. Someone who is kind and who accepts you as we are.

Remember: external acceptance can work wonders for a while, but if you do not internalize this acceptance, sooner or later you will also reject that wonderful person. Just because their love and kindness will go against what you feel for yourself.

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PISCES: The Hermit

The Universe invites you to shine your light as brightly as you can, Pisces. Shine it because it's the only way to honor the gift with which you were born. Make it shine even when the trolls are crawling on you and try to dim your light because they are jealous and your light reminds them of how much they have abandoned their dreams.

After all, the path to greatness is a lonely way. And if you really want what's in your heart, you must be brave and continue to shine.

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Valeria Black is a reader and tarot reader known for her in-depth psychological badysis. You can contact her on Twitter @ ValerieRBlack .

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