"Tenet": What's next Christopher Nolan's film?


Christopher Nolan's upcoming film, which will be released on July 17, 2020, is only 14 months old and is still shrouded in mystery. On Wednesday, the film was titled Tenet and was described as "an epic of action emerging from the world of international espionage". Beyond the cast and some members of the bottom team, almost nothing else is known.

This is usually the case of the director – actor Robert Pattinson said he was locked in a room while reading the screenplay. So, what is a Nolan enthusiast who wants to know more? Here we explore Nolan's past for clues as to what to expect from Tenet. Continue your thesis by claiming that the film is about spies traveling in time.

The secret will be maintained until the opening of the film, and this, by will.

Fathers play an important role in Nolan films, and he is the father in him who loves the secret. "We all want to unpack our Christmas presents earlier," Nolan told New York Times in 2014 in a profile before that of Interstellar . "But we all know that we will be disappointed if we do it."

So even though this new movie has a title and description, it will still remain a mystery because "Christmas" will not be until July 17, 2020. "The public does not know what it wants . He wants to be surprised, "said Nolan IndieWire in 2017 about Dunkirk echoing a line of dialogue from The Prestige .

This element of surprise was even true of the adaptations he made. The Dark Knight Trilogy may have become a definition of Batman stories, drawing from the definition of Batman comics, but it was a new cinematic motif for the character at his output that it would have been difficult to see coming from the director of After Memento and Insomnia . And The Prestige deeply rewrote the structure and mechanics of the novel to create a film that could best be described as spiritually related to Christopher Priest's book rather than directly adapted.

Interstellar is not an adaptation, but Nolan embarked on the project after his brother, Jonathan Nolan, had already written a script originally intended for Steven Spielberg. He ended up reworking almost completely the second and third acts. And Dunkirk is based on history, a first for Nolan, but he chose to tell the story using three different time scales.

Promotional material will not help him either. The caravans of Interstellar avoid images of tesseract in the final act and only plunge knees into the points of the temporal dilation plot. And the Imax Prologue of Dunkirk which was shown before Rogue One: A War Story Played as a Scene from the Movie – but which was revealed at the release of the movie, a piece wrong direction, cutting together the moments of the first and third acts in the service of evoking what the experience of the film would be rather than history.

It will have a huge reach. [19659002] Nolan made a last feature film for less than 100 million dollars in 2006 with The Prestige . He has been asked a few times if he would ever return to a small-scale film, but it would seem that it would only happen when he has no big ideas – which may never be the case. "I tend to think that if you have the chance to make a great movie, you should do it while you can," said Nolan Hitfix in 2010. "I'm still worried , maybe I will not be able to make a big movie again. "

Tenet starts to release an Imax version, but even with that, we can safely badume that Nolan could go Inception "Do not be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling."

Speaking to the New York Times in 2014, Nolan said : "Hollywood, when it works best, has unparalleled reach." In the back of my mind, this scope was always something to aim for – never to exclude other things, just one more canvas In terms of the budget I'm able to work on, I'm really trying to give the pu This is the most technically convincing experience I can give, with images and sounds, something that he has never seen before. "

a personal film."

Nolan is a director often referred to as "cold." And, at least in part, his films are portrayed as such, for better or for worse. his filmography, he makes more and more emotional or personal films as time goes on.

His direct exploration of paternity may have begun with Batman Begins and The Prestige but it's all the knot of Inception .Nolan then examined Bruce Wayne, an emotionally shattered man, in The Dark Knight Rises before returning to the fatherhood with Interstellar .and that was this aspect with which he had connected. "The story told me about father more than anything else", he declared to New York Times in 2014 of Interstellar . children absolutely fit your sense of time pbading. There is a desperate desire to hang on to times when your kids are growing up.

Dunkirk may not seem emotional or personal to the surface, but much was inspired by Nolan's grandfather, who was not in Dunkirk, but was in the Air force and died during the war. Nolan's father was also a source of inspiration. "There have always been close ties to World War II, because it was part of his life and losing his father so young," Nolan said during a conversation between him and his brother Jonathan in the . Dunkirk script. "He used to be able to tell almost every plane that pbaded over his head," said Jonathan, which Christopher Nolan put "directly in the film." And Edward Elgar's "Nimrod" was played at their father's funeral – the same piece that Benjamin Wallfisch would direct a late-1945 variant of music Dunkirk .

Pattinson indicates how personal Nolan can be when it comes to reading the screenplay of the director's next film in a locked room. "I'm a little suspicious of the idea of ​​making big films for years and years, but there's just something about Chris Nolan's film," said Pattinson USA Toda in April. "He seems to be the only director who can do what is essentially a very personal and independent film that has a huge scale.I have read the script and it's unreal."

So, how does that does it apply to the description of the film, "an epic of action evolving from the world of" International espionage "?

Tenet could add an element of science-fiction to the spy genre.

Any spy film that Nolan will certainly inspire from James Bond – and will pay him homage – a favorite of Nolan, a point of reference for Inception and a world in which he could still hope to enter one day, but without the constraints of Bond's realistic world, a spy film by Nolan could receive the same kind of innovative treatment as Inception With Nolan, the choice of words is always very subtle, but very This is not an epic of action within the world of international espionage nor a world of international espionage as Canvas background . This is an epic of action " evolving " from such. Just as the mechanisms of the dream world of Inception were essential to the structure of the film, similar mechanisms could be essential to the spy structure of Tenet . Previously reported descriptions suggest that Tenet will deal with the temporal continuum. Could the espionage missions of these characters make them cross the time? Could the world of espionage have evolved into something incredibly complex with futuristic technological advances?

Nolan is an intense organizer and he has a habit of schematizing his films so that the architecture of history makes sense – so with Dunkirk that he planned to make the film without script. Whatever the mechanisms envisaged by Nolan for Tenet their architecture will be as dense as that of his other work.

Tenet will likely introduce elements of action that Nolan has never used before.

Nolan will certainly also innovate in the field of action, as he has done for ten years or so.

With The Dark Knight Inception The Dark Knight Rises and Interstellar Nolan wrote a third transversal act full of action and devoid of any action. ;exposure. With Dunkirk Nolan applied this approach to the entire film (the total absence of exposure gave it a particular start) and applied a nonlinear structure that further strengthened the Immersion.

what could serve as inspiration to Nolan was tenet heavy action, and one of these is that of George Miller Mad Max: Fury Road cited by Nolan as an example of the third. -Action extended action to an entire movie. For Dunkirk Nolan separated from Paul Franklin – his supervisor of special effects on The Black Knight and Interstellar – worked. with Andrew Jackson, special effects supervisor of Mad Max: Fury Road who will be back for Tenet . And the philosophical connection is not one-sided, as Miller stated in 2015 that Interstellar was close to what the director of Fury Road would have made of his version of Contact .

However, as Nolan says, he tries to give the public "something he has never seen before," something that "everyone may not be able to do or think about doing ". and growing in its sense of purpose because of its use of imax cameras, which means that another action movie could go even further.

Time will almost certainly play an important role.

Finally, it is virtually badured that the film will take into account time. Sources told THR that the film would be a planetary adventure that would include inconceivable nuances of the hallucinating nature of Inception but which had a long period of time.

Nolan has always been interested in time, with his first feature, After having a nonlinear structure, and Memento quickly becoming famous for his own structure. But while Batman Begins of Prestige and of Dunkirk also arm nonlinear structures, Nolan also showed his interest for time in the narratives themselves.

] Insomnia is often considered Nolan's film "Nolan least," but the story actually plunges into the psychology of detective Dormer (Al Pacino), with the way the light constant day distorts his sense of time and how his past mistakes haunt him. Inception and Interstellar deal with the elasticity of time, the first in a sci-fi setting and the second in a scientific setting. And as Nolan's comments on the aspect of fatherhood in Interstellar show, the notion of time can be very personal.

There is a trope that Nolan has not dealt with when it comes to time, that is, legitimate time travel to the past. All his films are about the past, but the most dramatic point is how he describes the past as inaccessible, immutable. The visions of the past in Inception are dreams and are not real. Much of the conflict is based on the seduction of these false realities. And visions of the past in Interstellar show that Cooper's (Matthew McConaughey) efforts to change the past are exactly what shaped him. If Tenet actually deals with time, he will probably deal with the past and perhaps even allow his characters to inhabit it. But Nolan will probably also find a mechanism that traces this hard line: you can not change the past.

The new editor of Nolan, Jennifer Lame ( Manchester by the Sea Hereditary ) has experience with characters struggling with the past. In one of the most heartbreaking scenes of Manchester by the Sea Blade shuttles between two important moments. Lee Chandler (Casey Affleck) teaches a lawyer that his late brother (Kyle Chandler) appointed him guardian of his nephew Patrick (Lucas Hedges), which would require him to return to Manchester. And there is the deadly fire that Lee accidentally unleashed and forced him to get away from Manchester.

So, Blade could definitely pinpoint Nolan's interests in time. And the central metaphor of his next film could potentially deal with the same notion of paternity and time as Inception and Interstellar . Inception is an (unintentional) metaphor for the team of directors. The next step could be a reversal of the focus, in the sense that some of the main characters in the film could be numbers for his children as they left for adventures, far from the father figure. The younger actors, Pattinson, Elizabeth Debicki and John David Washington seem to be the main actors.

Nolan's figure in Interstellar Cooper, has a line of dialogue – a line that was cut at one point in production, but does the published script – that Nolan wrote at his rewrites and indicates the possibility that Nolan is making a film whose main characters represent his children: "Murph, a father looks into his child's eyes and thinks – maybe it's them … maybe my child will save everyone, once a child, wants to look into the eyes of his own father and know that he has seen how they saved a little corner of their world, but usually, at that moment, the father is gone. "

This joins a line that is part of the movie:" I thought they'd chosen me, but they did not choose me, they did chosen "Cooper says in the tesseract while he lowers his eyes on Murph (Mackenzie Foy). "What for, Cooper?" Said the robot TARS (Bill Irwin). "To save the world!" Cooper replies.

Then, at the end of the scenario, the cut line returns, repeated by both Cooper and an old Murph (Ellen Burstyn). This thread in the film could indicate how Nolan could view his story as a potential way to imagine, before he leaves, the adventures that could save the world of his children once they grow up. In fact, when it comes to the rewriting of Interstellar by Nolan, he says he took Jonathan's script and incorporated some of his own original ideas.

Could some of these original ideas be incorporated into this new film? Could Tenet be the capper of a spiritual trilogy with Inception and Interstellar ? Inception discusses obsessive ideas. Interstellar speaks of a man who can not let go of what he thinks he is. With respect to Tenet ? Well, the word "principle" means belief.

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