Terrorist attack in Pulwama: Javed Akhtar and Shabana Azmi say no to the Karachi Arts Council


The duo had already been invited to join this two-day event, but decided to let it pbad in protest against the terrible terrorist attack by the Pakistan-based terrorist group Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM ).

  The Pulwama Terror Attack "title =" The Pulwama Terror Attack "src =" https://akm-img-a-in.tosshub.com/indiatoday/images/story/201902/javed_shabana .png? 1259V_VR2hd9A3m5m5mong = "contentUrl" /> <meta itemprop=

Javed Akhtar and his wife Shabana Azmi canceled an invitation from the Karachi Arts Council in light of the Pulwama terrorist attack.

Former screenwriter-lyricist Javed Akhtar and his wife Shabana Azmi canceled their visit plan to an event in Pakistan organized by the Karachi Arts Council as a result of the Pulwama terrorist attack.

The duo had already been invited to join the two-day event, but they have now decided to pbad it in protest against the despicable terrorist. Attack of the Pakistan-based terrorist organization Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM).

Earlier in the day, many leaders condemned the attack and criticized Pakistan for harboring terrorism. Prime Minister Narendra Modi warned the terrorist group responsible for the attack. and swore to avenge their death. [19659005] He stated that the soldiers were free to avenge the odious attack on the CRPF convoy in Pulwama.

India has also canceled the status of "most favored nation" granted to Pakistan in order to isolate it on the international platform. [19659005] The CRPF also promised to avenge the paramilitary forces killed in Thursday's suicide bombing.

"We will not forget, we will not forget: we salute our martyrs of the attack of Pulwama and we stand with the families of our brothers martyrs.This odious attack will be avenged," the statement added.

Several international leaders also condemned the incident while the United States directly warned Pakistan to refrain from supporting terrorist groups.

On Thursday, at least 40 members of the paramilitary forces of the CRPF were killed. in a suicide bombing when an explosive-laden SUV crashed into a bus belonging to a convoy of 78 vehicles carrying at least 2,500 soldiers.

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