Thanos' infinite stones have a deeper meaning in the real world: how can these gems transform your life – The mystical gems


  The Mystic Precious Stones

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The Mystic Precious Stones

Since the release of & # Avengers: Infinity The War last year, Marvel fans were looking forward to the last part.

As the superheroes prepare to face Thanos on April 26 in Avengers: Endgame, the mystery of the Infinity Stones continues to intrigue the fans. .

Pankaj Khanna astrologer and gemologist at Gem Selections (a unit of Khanna Gems Private Limited), explains the meaning of each of these jewels and their power to liberate people from the problems created by the planets. 19659008] Important Note: Spoilers ahead (watch the movie already!)


  The Importance of Precision Stones

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Average Infinity Stones [19659007] In Marvel's Avengers Cinematic Universe, the Infinity Stones are described as the most powerful jewels related to different aspects of the universe, created by cosmic entities.

Each of the six stones possesses unique abilities necessary for the existence of the universe, which gives its holder a phenomenal power over others.

Any of these stones, consult a gemologist to get a stone that aligns well with your planetary position.


  The Stone of Power

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The Stone of Power 19659007] Meaning of the Stone of Power in the Movie: The Gem purple, also called power stone, increases the strength and durability of the wearer beyond cosmic levels. The "Guardians of the galaxy", with the voices of Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista and Vin Diesel & Bradley Cooper, had entrusted to the planet Xandar the protection of the power stone (the source of their strength) after its acquisition by Ronan the Accuser, member of Kree. While the film did not show how Thanos, played by Josh Brolin, got the stone, Thor revealed to the Guardians of the Galaxy that Xandar had been decimated by the Thanos army to seize the gemstone.

The purple gem, Amethyst, helps to overcome fears.

The Agencies

  The Stone of Space

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of the Space Stone

Significance of the Stone of the In the movie: The blue gemstone, which designates the stone of space, allows its holder to teleport and modify the shape of people or objects. The blue stone was stored in a "Tesseract" that Loki, played by Tom Hiddleston, had stolen from Asgard before it was destroyed. When Thanos' army defeats Asgard, Loki attempts to kill Thanos by offering him the Tesseract in exchange for Thor's life (character played by Chris Hemsworth).

What it means in the real world: The majestic blue sapphire possesses the power to make and break the life of an individual. Wearing this stone can help the wearer to have a calmer and more lively mind and to ensure that people perform their duties appropriately.


  The Reality Stone

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The Reality Stone

Meaning of the Reality Stone in the Movie: Gem red which is called the reality stone in "Avengers", allows the wearer to change the reality as he pleases. The jewel was in the hands of the collector (played by Taneleer Tivan, right) at Knowhere. Thor and the Guardians of the Galaxy join forces to protect the stone. They split into two teams, one heading to Nidavellir (dwarf planet) to get a weapon capable of killing Thanos (L) and the other for Knowhere. But Thanos does it first to create the illusion of a Knowhere that works perfectly, recovers the stone and kidnaps his adoptive daughter, Gamora, starring Zoe Saldana, as she knows the way to the stone of soul.

World: The red gem, also called Ruby, improves the real power of concentration.


  The stone of the soul

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of the stone of the soul

19659007] Meaning of the stone from the soul in the film: The orange gemstone or the soul stone allows the holder to control and cut off the soul of the living and the dead. After his adoptive daughter Gamora took Thanos to Sow, the planet where the gem is kept, the soulstone holder, Red Skull, revealed that rock possession had a high price. Thanos is told that he can only possess the stone when he sacrifices the life of his beloved (in this case, Gamora). He finally got the stone after throwing his daughter off the cliff crying.
Meaning in the Real World: The orange stone representing coral promotes strength, wisdom, intellect, power, courage, determination and enthusiasm.


  The Stone of Time

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The Stone of Time

Meaning of the Stone of Time in the Movie: The green gemstone, which is the stone of time, allows the keeper to control the pbading time. While the Avengers gather to master Thanos and raise his glove, protector of Time Stone – Doctor Strange (played by Benedict Cumberbatch) – sees 14,000,605 alternative contracts to defeat him, but reveals that superheroes only earn $ 40,000. only one. Thanos responds, takes his challenge and threatens to kill Tony's Iron Man. Stark, with Robert Downey Jr) if Dr. Strange does not hand over the green stone.

What it Means in the Real World: Emerald's greenstone provides better income opportunities and a steady, positive flow of wealth. It promotes career growth, ensures the recognition of society and produces spiritual benefits.


  The Mental Stone

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The Mental Stone

] Meaning of the Mental Stone in the Movie: The Yellow Gem that represents the mental stone allows the user to read and control the thoughts and dreams of others. The gem is inserted into the forehead of Vision, a character played by Paul Bettany, drawn from Loki's scepter (right). Attempts of superheroes to prevent Thanos from killing Vision to acquire the stone fail and half of the population (including the Avengers) fall to dust.

What it Means in the Real World: The Yellow Stone, the Beautiful Stone Sapphire in all its nuances is badociated with wisdom, wealth, health, and prosperity.


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