The 7 most reliable zodiac signs, according to astrologers


Good relationships are hard to find. It is important to have people you can always count on in your life. Although trust and support do not come easily to everyone, there are some reliable zodiac signs that will always have your back, no matter what happens.

"Every sign of the zodiac will support you in one way or another," says astrologer Julie McGill, in Bustle. "However, as each sign addresses life with an attitude, purpose, and unique set of values, it is motivated under different circumstances and for different reasons."

What kind of support do you need? For example, if you need someone to stand and comfort you when you feel depressed, the cancer will be there for you in an instant. If you need someone who gives you a little inspiration after a life crisis, Sagittarius will be there with all sorts of crazy ideas that you can think about. If you need someone to help you defend your right to be unique, an Aquarius will be at your side.

Although some signs are not generally known for their loyalty, they will still be your best. As McGill says, "We all have something to give."

Some signs may just do it better than others. So here are the zodiac signs that will always have your back, anyway, according to astrologers.

1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Tina Gong / Bustle

Being the first of the zodiac, Aries has a reputation for having a very "me first" attitude. But according to McGill, Aries will always support you because it symbolizes courage. "Aries sees life as a hero's journey," she says. "It is often in this journey that Aries finds himself in a situation that forces them to show courage, strength and courage to defend what is right." People born of Aries have the feeling that it is their "duty" to be bold and support you, even if they are the only ones to do it. For them, it is the principle that counts.

2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Bulls are known for their fierce loyalty and high reliability. If you are lucky enough to maintain a close relationship with a bull, it is the person who will always be there for you, for better or for worse. "Their commitment is not fast, but once achieved," said McGill. "Although it takes a lot to get the bull moving, provoke it enough and they will shoot you down."

3. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Tina Gong / Bustle

"If anything goes wrong, your first call should be cancer," says astrologer Elisa Robyn, PhD, in Bustle. They are emotional and empathic creatures. So, if you need someone with whom to share your feelings, then it's a cancer. Their house is usually warm and inviting. You can feel immediately safe and comfortable. According to Robyn, they will hold you back until you can get back on your feet. They are loyal to a fault and always seem to know exactly what their loved ones need.

4. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

"If you need someone to help you express your pain and sadness, and perhaps to plot against the people who hurt you, call your Virgin friends, "says Robyn. Virgos are very ingrained in nature and will be your rock if you need them. They respect and value the people closest to them and retain all the people they have loved in their lives. As they are also very practical, they will also be there to help you solve your problem, plan your next steps and help you move forward.

5. Libra (23 September – 22 October)

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As an aerial sign, they can be considered distant and a little too flexible for some. Libra may not be the most decisive of the zodiacs, but according to Robyn, Libra will never let a friend fall. "If you call in the middle of the night, they will answer you and help you calm down and focus on what you need," she says. "They stay calm and value being a friend when needed." They can also help you see the advantages and disadvantages of each situation.

6. Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

"Scorpio will support you, because the latter attaches great importance to loyalty," said McGill. "The obligations made with the people of Scorpio are as deep as an iceberg." Like their opposite sign, Taurus, Scorpions do not get angry very often. They can be intense, but they also tend to stay very calm. If necessary, however, they will not hesitate to act. According to McGill, "It must be a Scorpio who said," Revenge is a well-served cold dish. "Because if you hurt someone that he likes," his sting will prepare to hit. "

7. Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

Tina Gong / Bustle

Like the other signs of water, Pisces are sensitive and emotional. They are known to be very indulgent, kind, patient and understanding. "If they like you, they stand by your side and help you through any painful situation," says Robyn. "They will always be at your side in a fight and could try to train you to be safe."

What's great with the zodiac is that each sign is so different. Even if you are dealing with a sign that does not comfort you naturally, they will always know how to make you smile. Again, each sign will have your back in one way or another. You just have to recognize what their strengths are.

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