The actor Ajaz Khan arrested by Navi Mumbai police officers for possession of drugs, says he is accused | mumbai news


The actor Ajaz Khan, 37, was arrested on Monday by the criminal section of Navi Mumbai for alleged possession of 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA), known as pills. Ecstasy, a staggering ban, in a CBD Belapur hotel.

The former reality TV contestant, a resident of Yari Road, Versova, was brought to court in Belapur on Tuesday and was placed in custody for two days. The actor told the court that the government was trying to beat him

According to Deputy Commissioner of Police (crime) Tushar Doshi: "We have received reports that a person with drugs would be found there. # 39; hotel. Therefore, shortly after midnight, we raided and discovered the drug on Khan. Although we learned that there was a greater amount of the drug involved, we found only 8 tablets (2.3 g) on ​​it. According to the police, the drugs were worth 1 Rkh lakh and the police also seized two phones, which collectively were worth 1 Rkh lakh. , of the actor.

Khan was arrested by the police under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act (NDPS). According to Doshi, "depending on the amount found on him, he may be imprisoned up to six months or a fine of up to 10,000 rupees or both."

While he was transferred from the crime office to the CBD court, Khan said, "Saazish hai, phasaya jaa raha hai (this is a plot, I am being condemned)." Mahesh More Patil, Khan's attorney, said, "Khan had come to the hotel to party with his friends, he said two girls had asked him for an autograph in the lobby, and after signing, they gave him a packet as a gift.Soon, the police arrived at the scene, checked the package that he had and found there drugs. "

Ajinkya Gavane, another lawyer from Khan, said:" Khan was not aware of the drug and was surprised by the police.What it was.We will request video surveillance images, which will help support the positi from Khan. "

First published: Oct. 24, 2018 00:40 IST

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