The actor Shahid Kapoor of Kabir Singh and his wife Mira Rajput get together for a project? These photos suggest so


Shahid Kapoor, who wins the heart at Kabir Singh, could collaborate with his wife Mira Rajput for a project.

India TV Entertainment Desk [ Updated: July 09, 2019 22:45 IST ]

  •   Shahid Kapoor and his wife Mira Rajput were clicked outside Tuesday at Mehmood Studios Mumbai.

    Shahid Kapoor and his wife Mira Rajput were clicked outside at Mehmood Studios Mumbai on Tuesday.

  •   The Powerful A Bollywood couple could collaborate on a project for the very first time.

    The mighty Bollywood couple could collaborate on a project for the very first time.

  • <img rel = "index, follow" clbad = "lazy" src = "" data-original = "https: // resize4 / en / resize / gallery / 835 _- / 2019/07 / img-2066-1562692303.jpg "title =" Shahid Kapoor, who has been winning hearts with his latest release Kabir Singh, was spotted wearing a white kurta . " alt = "Shahid Kapoor, who won the heart with his latest album, Kabir Singh, Shahid Kapoor, who won the hearts with his last outing Kabir Singh, was seen wearing a white kurta.

  • <img rel = "index, follow" clbad = "lazy" src = "" data-original = " /resize/gallery/835_-/2019/07/mira-20-1562692264.jpg "title =" Meanwhile, Mrs. Kapoor was seen in a gorgeous ethnic avatar. "Alt =" Meanwhile, Ms. Kapoor was seen in a beautiful ethnic avatar. 19659004] Meanwhile, Ms. Kapoor was seen in a beautiful ethnic avatar.

  •   Mira Rajput has been up to now the face of a lot of popular brands. However, the husband and wife never got together for a certain project.

    Mira Rajput has been up to now the face of a lot of popular brands. However, the husband and wife never got together for a certain project.

  •   It would be really refreshing and exciting to see Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput together for a project.

    It would be really refreshing and exciting to see Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput together for a project.

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