The anti-conversion law must remain: tribal groups – NATIONAL


Proponents of the indigenous religions of Arunachal Pradesh are unhappy with the decision of Chief Minister Pema Khandu to repeal an anti-conversion law which they believe is necessary to rescue traditional belief systems and local cultures

. Mr. Khandu, who heads the BJP government in the border state, said Thursday that the law on freedom of religion of Arunachal Pradesh, formulated in 1978, would be repealed at the next session of the 39th Assembly

. Khandu said at a ceremony organized by the Catholic Association Arunachal Pradesh (APCA).

In statements released Friday night, the Indigenous Faith and Cultural Society of Arunachal Pradesh (IFCSAP) and the Nyishi Indigenous Society of Cults and Culture (NIFCS) described this measure as " appeasement of the minority and detrimental to the growth of the indigenous peoples of the state ".

Fight for Preservation

The Nyishi, belonging to the Tani group, is the largest ethnic community Arunachal Pradesh. IFCSAP and NIFCS are major organizations fighting for the preservation of indigenous religions such as Donyi-Polo and Rangfra.

These organizations believe in the growth of Christianity in the state – from 1951 to 1952 in 2011 – was at the expense of followers of indigenous religions.

"We condemn the statement of the Chief Minister, because the anti-conversion law, if it were repealed, would threaten the indigenous culture of the state." There is also apprehension among people that the Chief Minister brings the residents of Arunachal Pradesh into the minority or general category and strips off the special privileges we enjoy as listed tribes, "said Bai Taba, secretary general of IFCSAP. 19659002] The repeal of the law protecting the indigenous people would open the floodgates of poaching and lead to the marginalization of the indigenous people, he said, urging Mr. Khandu to withdraw.

The NIFCS said abandoning the anti-conversion law would seriously undermine the basic structure of indigenous religions and cultures that are still languishing under the persistent and aggressive influence of foreign cultures.

"The Chief Minister undermines the feelings and emotions of believing indigenous believers in the state's statement," said Pai Dawe, president of NIFCS

The Arunachal Christian Forum and APCA welcomed the announcement of Mr. Khandu. ement.

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