The Avengers takes it to Thanos in the first sequence of "Endgame", broadcast at CinemaCon – here are the details


  Avengers Endgame Scarlett Johannsson in Black Widow and Chris Evans in Captain America in "Avengers: Endgame". Marvel Studios

WARNING: Details about "Avengers: Endgame" below.

  • The first film sequence of the film channel "Avengers: Endgame" was released Wednesday.
  • This scene lasted about 5 minutes and shows the remaining members, including Captain Marvel, who are plotting to attack Thanos.
  • "Let's get this son of a b —-" says Captain American towards the end of the scene.
  • Business Insider was at Disney's presentation and here is a breakdown of the sequence and the reason why after seeing it, we think that there may be several battles against the Avengers

on Wednesday at Disneyland, at CinemaCon, the annual theater convention, Disney presented an impressive presentation showing how Fox will play an important role in the studio's dominance in the film industry, and gave an overview to exhibitors at its next edition 2019 with movie sequences like "Aladdin", "The Lion King" and "Toy Story 4" (unfortunately, no "Star Wars: Episode IX").

And the CinemaCon audience was also informed of the very first preview of a scene from "Avengers: Endgame" (theatrical opening on April 26).

It was to last about 5 minutes and showed the surviving members of the Thanos – Captain America cliché, Black Widow, War Machine, Thor, Nebula, Rocket, Bruce Banner and newcomer Captain Marvel – plotting to kill the Titan.

It all starts with Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) moving away and responding casually when asked where she is going: "Kill Thanos".

Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) stops here and explains that the Avengers do things in a team. Captain America (Chris Evans) then asks Captain Marvel if she even knows where Thanos is, what Captain Marvel says, "I know people who could."

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Nebula (Karen Gillan) then expresses and explains how, over the years when Thanos tortured him, he was still talking about going to a place called "the garden." "Great, Thanos has a retirement plan," War Machine responds (Don Cheadle)

Rocket (Bradley Cooper) then reveals that after the breakup, a field of energy was sent down the galaxy, two days ago it was repeated on another planet, which means that Thanos used the stones and the garden again.

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But Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) is concerned. They are certainly not at their full strength. Captain Marvel responds, "You did not have me".

War Machine responds, "Hey, new girl, everyone here is talking about the life of superheroes," and wonders where she has been for so long. "There are a lot of other planets out there, and not many are lucky enough to have you," says Captain Marvel.

This leads to the shot we saw in the trailers: Thor (Chris Hemsworth) getting up and walking towards Captain Marvel and calling his hammer. In the trailer, it's his old hammer that we know in previous films, but in the video, it's the hammer that he created in "Infinity War".

  Captain Marvel Thor avengers endgame disney > Disney

"I like this one," says Thor about Captain Marvel.

He is then cut off by Captain America saying, "Let's go get that son from a b —-."

After, he cuts the Rocket ship where all the limbs are curled.

"How many of you have never been to space before?", Asks Rocket. Some hands are raised. "Well, do not throw up in my ship."

And it's gone! to take on Thanos.

The film gives an indication that perhaps the Avengers will face Thanos several times in the film. In the trailer, the Avengers, now badociated with Ironman (Robert Downey Jr.), Ant-Man (Paul Rudd) and Ronin (Jeremy Renner) are dressed in white and seem to be preparing to go into space. Or are they all going into the quantum realm?

We will know it at the opening of the film on April 26th.

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