The best theories of Stranger Things 4 explained


July 12, 2019, 18:43

  Nicky Idika

by Nicky Idika

Describe the most compelling theories of the Internet about what will happen in Netflix's Stranger Things Season 4.

Stranger Things 3 offers fans an iconic 1980s fashion, an incredible soundtrack and a moving ending that we will not stop anytime soon. This has also given us a lot to think in anticipation of Season 4. Hopper is it "American," is Dr. Brenner alive, and could somebody be trapped in the Upside Down?

People want answers, but until they get them in season 4, Reddit and other fan enthusiasts will have fun preparing convincing theories about what's going on. events. Thus, while waiting for the gang's return in 2020, here are the most popular theories of Stranger Things 4 .

READ MORE: Stranger Things season 4: News, spoilers, release date, casting and all we know

You know the score. MAJOR Stranger Things 3 coming spoiler, nerd.


Hopper is "the American"

At the end of Stranger Things 3 we are transferred to a Russian prison where invisible prisoners are detained. One of the guards will look for someone in a cell, but is warned to choose another prisoner. "No, not the American," he instructs

Hopper left but no dead body to confirm that he's actually dead, the most popular theory of Season 4 is that Hopper is "l & # American, in question.

A reddit user writes: "It is out of the question to let him die after such an ambiguous disappearance, and the subsequent credit scene seals the agreement."

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American things from abroad.

Netflix / Screen Capture

Hopper is not but part of the group Upside Down

. According to another theory about Hopper's location, Hawkins' chief of police makes an unplanned trip into Upside Down. [UpsideDown Stranger Things is well known and it would not be an exaggeration to guess that the terrifying dimension could make a big comeback to season 4.

"Hopper being a veteran Upside-Down explorer could have enjoyed from the port that was opened at Hawkins, which means that Hopper could be alive in the Upside Down, "wrote an editor.

If this is true, it would be a clbadic case of bad management. With just about everyone baduming that Hopper is "the American prisoner", the fact that he stands in the Upside Down in fact could be a big turning point, leaving the proverbial door open for that someone else is the prisoner mentioned in the post credits.

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Jim Hopper.


Dr. Brenner is "American"

The thesis that Dr. Brenner could be "American" is convincing. In a reddit thread, fans point out interesting points, such as how the Russians could have known the location of the door in Hawkins without some serious insider information.

Brenner's death has never been confirmed on the screen and it's not mentioned at all in Season 3, which could set the stage for a huge comeback. If you are inclined to believe that Hopper is really stuck in the ugly fault, Dr. Brenner, who is American, seems quite convincing at the moment.

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Dr. Brenner.

Netflix / Screen Capture

"Keeping the door open" means so much more

Hopper telling Eleven to "leave the door open by three inches" is a phrase that makes Stranger Things 3 a complete circle. In the first episode, we see Hopper fighting a lost battle against Mike's raging hormones and Eleven, urging them to "keep the door open for three inches".

In the final episode, the sentence reduced the fans in tears, while Eleven read the emotional speech prepared by his father.

But wait. And if "keeping the door open" was much more than the mantra of a frustrated father of a teenager. What if it suggests how Hopper could be saved in Season 4?

A reddit user badumes that this sentence lets them predict that it is "necessary to leave the" portal "slightly open so that he can escape and / or qu & # 39; 39, it is necessary to reopen the door to get it back safely.

My God, we love a theory as clear as this


Season 4 takes place in December

This is not really an extremely important theory, but it might be reminiscent of when the gang could come together for their next big adventure

In the last episode of the season, Mike and Eleven plan to see each other over the holidays. so that their relationship / friendship works remotely.

This would be the perfect time to resume season 4. Hopper has been gone for 5 months and there will surely be a lot of growth problems for Mike and Eleven now that they are Long distances, maybe I'm a jerk for a nice meeting, but it would be good to have Hop for Christmas, although our next theory might suggest that it happens a little later.

Chernobyl could do part of Stranger Things season 4

Here is your theory on the joker! The Chernobyl disaster could be a little screamed during season 4.

Stranger Things 3 ends at the end of 1985, which means that the Chernobyl disaster (occurred in the spring of 1986) only a few months are their chronology. Many parts of the USSR (including Russia) have been affected by the nuclear disaster and, after witnessing the generic post-credit, it would not be unfair to think that we could spend time in this area. part of the world.

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