The biggest winners and losers of SmackDown from last night (January 28th)


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Jan 30, 2019, 7:15 pm IST


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The last night's SmackDown edition did not live up to the high expectations we expected from the brand It was an episode of sagging, starting on a high (but disturbing) note and gradually declining to the end.Many segments appeared useless and erroneous, not taking enough time from important angles

To tell the truth, it was not a good way for the blue mark to get into the finish line at WrestleMania. Certainly, since the two Rumble challengers turn to Raw titles, there is still a lot to do.

Who shot the most and the least from the show last night?

Loser: Becky Lynch

Becky Lynch emerged as a loser for one reason – it seems WWE is already starting to note by Charlotte Flair in the previously announced match between Becky Lynch and Ronda Rousey, Lynch's leg injury may be a selling point

This is a terrible idea. It may have been acceptable before, but after the magic of Monday night, it's the wrong move. If this "new era" is to listen to fans, they have clearly expressed themselves on Raw. They want Lynch vs. Rousey one against one. It's more dramatic.

"Ronnie, you never come looking for me to prove you're the bad guy, so I'm coming to get you to prove you're not."

Charlotte Flair or a leg injury to Lynch is not necessary. This one line is all you need on the road to WrestleMania.

Becky Lynch remains the most popular star of the company at the moment, but after last night, it seems her moment is actually going to be softened. Because WWE is convinced that Charlotte Flair, the company's favorite, must take part in the game.

Hope they give up this course. There is a better alternative.

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Wrestling fan on / off since 1996. Aspiring writer with political experience, write on persuasion, influence and masculinity on my blog Without wanting to, all these things are vital in the professional fight.

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