The claim of a scientist regarding gene-modified babies creates an uproar


A Chinese scientist sowed confusion, alarms and shock in the scientific community on Monday claiming that he had altered the DNA of two twin babies, Lulu and Nana, who, according to him, were born "in tears". in the world as healthy as any other baby "a few weeks ago.

The explosive announcement, made by means of an interview with the press and videos put Online by He Jiankui of the China University of Science and Technology, was published on The eve of an international summit dedicated to emerging science and ethics around tools powerful that offer scientists unprecedented potential to fine-tune traits and eliminate genetic diseases – but that have caused fear of "designer babies."

He, a physicist by training, told The Associated Press that embryos of seven In vitro fertilized couples had been modified and used a tool called CRISPR to disable a gene that allowed HIV to infect cells, with a resultant pregnane to date.

He did not respond to attempts to e contact him by e-mail or phone.

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"I think it just shows that it's time that it's time to talk about the ethics of genome modification, because the world may not wait," said Insoo Hyun, bioethicist at Case Western Reserve University. "We do not know to what extent this is true or verified. These are all kinds of … rumors at this point … but in terms of scientific and medical justification, I do not think there is one. "

According to a description of the experience published online, he created embryos. couples with an HIV-infected father. The use of this technology has immediately been a problem for ethicists because there are other ways to prevent HIV transmission to the fetus and many believe that the first applications of genetic modification should be reserved for truly incurable diseases. In the video, he stated that only one gene had been modified by the editing procedure, but it is known that gene editing introduces unintended genetic effects that could cause concern, whether for the children themselves or for the human gene pool, if the children grow up to transmit their genes.

"Gene surgery is and should remain a healing technology. Improving the IQ or choosing the color of the hair or eyes is not what a loving parent does. This should be banned, "he said in a YouTube video. "I understand that my work will be controversial, but I believe that families need this technology and I am ready to accept criticism."

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The public announcement was highly unconventional, with no data in hand to verify the claims. submission to the traditional peer review process. This raised strong questions for scientists about respecting traditional monitoring channels, as well as about what to believe from the experience and the results, although he posted a form of 39, ethical approval of the process on its website.

Scientists who had just landed Hong Kong, at the International Summit on Gene Publishing, said the news had surprised them.

"If that is true, it is an extremely premature and questionable experience in creating genetically modified children," said Jeffrey Kahn, director of Johns Hopkins. Berman Institute of Bioethics. "There is a lot to understand and discuss about monitoring or the lack of monitoring."

Matthew Porteus, pediatrician and stem cell scientist, said the announcement highlighted the weaknesses of the current regulatory system. "This is not how I would like to see science progress.

The Southern University of Science and Technology, the institution in which he works, issued a statement condemning this experience, claiming that the university was "deeply shocked" by the news and that she had convened an emergency meeting. The research was conducted off campus and the university was not aware of the project, according to the release.

The University's University Biology Committee "believes that Dr. Jiankui He has … led to the modification of human embryos has seriously violated academic ethics." And codes of conduct "

In 2002, allegations that a cult would have created a cloned human baby triggered a firestorm in the media.The claims were not verified, but they amplified the ethical discussions on the issue. possibility and triggered calls for the prohibition of human cloning.

"At the dawn of the Second International Summit on Genome Editing, this announcement looks like a cynical attempt to make headlines. Pete Mills, deputy director of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics. "If the claims are true, it is a premature, inexplicable and perhaps reckless intervention that could threaten the responsible development of the world. ; applicat future ions of genome modification. "

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