The comic strip preceding "Stranger Things" presents the Eleven tester


  Stranger Things 3 Starcourt Mall
[Photo via Netflix]

We could not stop thinking about Stranger Things from season 3 coming out this summer. [[19659005] Now we have something else to expect: a comic from the front.

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Dark House announced the release of its first Stranger Things The Prequel Comics Series entitled Stranger Things: Six contains four numbers that focus on events that occurred prior to the first season of the Netflix broadcast.

The story focuses on a Francine.

"A teenager with precognitive abilities struggled throughout a lifetime of exploitation to end up becoming the pledge of a government agency that wishes to exploit its powers for its own purpose. , "Reads an official synopsis S.

On May 29, the first issue of the comic appears on the shelves. You can see a preview today at the address of The Hollywood Reporter.

Stranger Things Season three hits Netflix on July 4th. Check out a trailer below.

More Stranger Things news

David Harbor playing Hopper, a opened on the theme "unexpected" of the third season of the Netflix [19659021] See

Fortunately, Hopper's relationship with Eleven ( by Millie Bobby Brown) will be explored even more during the season. This apparently leads to something "unexpected" and "moving" in the end.

"Millie is growing up and I think that's the terrifying thing for Hopper. He does not like the idea that his little girl is spending time with her boys, "Harbor said. "So the season starts with him a bit uncomfortable."

"Her daughter is becoming a teenager and is starting to find herself, so it's more scary for Hopper than any Demogorgon creature he's going to face," he said. pursued. . "We see a lot of them throughout the season and it's very unexpected to know what's going on at the end and it's very, very moving. I think episode eight is the most moving thing we've shot. "

Last week, we learned that thanks to Stranger Things the failed 90s of Coca-Cola [19659022] product called A new coke would be back .

Product is now available online. However, a series of additional failures have led consumers to have problems acquiring the product.

To go back, Coca-Cola announced that it would bring back a limited number of new cans of coke in the honor of the third season of the [19659025] Netflix watch ] where the product will be presented on the screen. In addition, original Coca-Cola will be available in limited edition with motifs Stranger Things .

The creators of the series came up with the idea of ​​bringing back the product to promote the expected season as it takes place in 1985, when the drink debuted.

However, it was not successful, as Coca-Cola removed it from the shelves only a few months after it was released due to negative consumer badessments.

New Coca-Cola was later renamed Coke II, which was also short-lived.

According to Variety, the company will also launch an advertisement in cinemas to redo the original advertisement of 1985. The new advertisement will be made by the Duffer brothers who create Stranger Things

. This news comes after the series released a new teaser showing a party at the pool, where we can see Mrs. Wheeler drinking a new Coke at: 18.

You're excited about the new comic strip from Stranger Things?

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