The Death of Sri Devi: A Concealed Murder?


  Sri Devi

The Press Office |

Boney Kapoor, the husband of veteran Sri Devi, annihilated speculation in the media about his death. reports claim that it was not an accidental death but Sri Devi was murdered.

Kerala DGP (Prisons) Rishiraj Singh made some startling claims about his death in his column in a newspaper. Singh attributed his badertions to a conversation with his friend, a forensic expert, Dr. Umathadan. Dr. Umadathan is not yet alive to confirm his claims.

"My friend and the late Dr. Umadathan, forensic expert, has been telling me for a long time that Sri Devi's death could have been a murder and not an accidental death. That's what he told me when I asked him about Sri Devi's death, out of curiosity, "Singh writes.

The death of Sridevi is not accidental, but Murder claims DGP prison

The death of the legendary actress Sridevi in ​​2018 set off a shock wave throughout the film industry and throughout the country.

Fans and movie stars took to the streets of Mumbai to mourn his death. The actr …

– Viral Trends (@ Viraltrending17) July 13, 2019

"He also pointed out some facts to support his claims. According to him, a person will never drown in the deep water of a foot, regardless of its consumption. It will only drown if someone holds both of his legs and plunges his head into the water, "wrote the IPS agent.

Analyzing aspects of his death, people have weighed on his death. Several conspiracy theories erupted at his death.

Boney Kapoor, rejecting the latest speculation about his death, told, "I do not want to react to such stupid stories. There is no need to react because such stupid stories continue to happen. Basically, it's the fruit of someone's imagination.

Read more: Boney Kapoor wants to make a documentary about Sri Devi

The autopsy report of the Dubai authorities confirmed the drowning of the cause of death. Several Indian police officers contradicted the autopsy report and claimed that Sri Devi had been murdered.

. @BoneyKapoor reacts to claims by Kerala DGP that #Sridevi was murdered!

Read the story: .

– Desimartini (@DMmovies) July 12, 2019

Sri Devi has breathed his last breath in a Dubai hotel after returning from a family wedding last February. His sudden death sent shockwaves to his fans around the world.

Initial reports cited a heart attack as the cause of his death. "The death of Indian actress Sri Devi arose as a result of a drowning in the bathtub of her hotel apartment following a loss of consciousness," tweeted the Dubai police, citing an autopsy report.

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