HMD's CPO, Juho Sarvikas, announced on Twitter that the company had begun publishing the Android 9 Pie update for the recently announced Nokia 7.1. The Nokia 7.1 has been hailed by the US media as the best mid-range phone officially available in the United States. With Android Pie, the 7.1 is more up to date and offers new features, such as the well-being of Google.
New day and new portion of Pie to come. Nokia 7.1 now on Android 9. pic.twitter.com/ZPupm6TAmR
– Juho Sarvikas (@sarvikas) November 27, 2018
The update is done in stages, so everyone will not do it. receive it right away. Our Nokia 7 Plus received Pie about 3 weeks after the announcement, while our 6.1 version received Pie a week after the announcement. Since 7.1 is a new phone that is mainly available in the West, deployment should be faster.
If you have a 7.1 and received the pie chart, leave a comment below.
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