The director of the XXX WhatsApp group arrested in Mumbai for adding a woman's number without consent


This is the first arrest of this type in Mumbai and the police have stated that it would serve as a warning to all administrators that they pay attention to those whom they add and what is posted on groups on the online messaging platform.

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Mumbai: A WhatsApp group administrator was arrested in Mumbai for adding a woman's cell phone number without her consent to a group . the badgraphic content has been shared.

This is the first arrest of this kind in Mumbai and the police have stated that this would serve as a warning to all administrators that they pay attention to who they are adding and to what which is posted on the groups on the online messaging platform.

Police told The Times of India, Mustaq Ali Shaikh, a 24-year-old carpenter from West Bengal, was convicted of badual badault and under the Information Technology Act.
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The investigator stated that the applicant, a housewife, had added her number to the "Triple XXX" group in September.
According to police officers, the woman initially thought that it was a joke on the part of his friends, before finding badgraphic photos and videos flooding the group. She told the police that when she had looked at the numbers of the administrator and 12 members of the group, she understood that she did not know any of them. She then lodged a complaint.

Shaikh was arrested on Thursday in the Sion-Dharavi region. During his interrogation, he apologized and added that he mistakenly added the woman's number to the group.

"He said he thought the number belonged to his brother-in-law and did not remember how he had the complainant's number. He stated that he had no intention of hurting anyone and that the group had been formed by his friend, without any female members, "said a police officer at the TOI.

Police seized Shaikh's phone and sent him to the police forensic laboratory to retrieve his data.The cops also sought detailed information about the call from other members of the group likely to to become witnesses against Shaikh

| Edited by: Aakarshuk Sarna

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