The end of the Russian Netflix doll explained


To date, you have already heard about Russian Doll the latest Netflix sensation in streaming. Fans and critics spent the weekend bellowing with Natasha Lyonne's Day of the Groundhog and Bandersnatch . The general reaction has been extremely lively and very positive.

But because of its complexity and complexity, some fans are scratching their heads.

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For them (and you), we decided to describe exactly what happened in the last moments of the series, explaining in detail what all this means . You can just watch Russian Doll again (and again, and again, again and again), but who has the time?

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Russian Doll season 2: all you need to know

Part of the problem people have had with the end is the speed with which it changes tone. dark comedy (with hipster satire elements – with 'Jodorowsky's Dune ' as pbadword for a drug treatment laboratory) in the style of [19459004TheDayoftheGroundhog for a troubling exploration of the sometimes scary trauma The Haunting Of Hill House But, thematically, the changes make sense.

The centerpiece of the series involves a woman named Nadia es and comes back to life, repeating the hours that led to She is stuck in a resurrection loop, as if she were some kind of Punxsatawney weather presenter.

Finally, Nadia meets Alan, who is stuck in the same loop, and together they try to solve the mystery of what happens to them.

This journey takes us to the penultimate episode "The Way Out", as terrifying as any horror film, where Nadia is confronted with visions of her childhood, forced to face the memories and ghosts of his past.

Nadia tries to find a solution to her problem by talking with her therapist, the former guardian. It's appropriate – The Russian doll is essentially a metaphor for therapy; a process that uses badytics to create moments of "breakthrough", which allows clients to move forward in life with a new perspective.

These decisive moments often occur when examining habits (or repeated patterns) allowing customers to "break the cycle".

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Nadia and Alan are broken people, they can not cope with their own destruction.For Nadia, it is an inner -loathing being, rooted in her childhood. (Or "You are the king of the chasm ! ", as expresses so nicely her ex.)

The day she survives her toxic mother, she has so little self esteem gets run over by a taxi. is a true self-destruction: he got stuck in his loop after committing suicide.

To escape repeated repetitions Destroy them immediately, they must face their trauma This is why the loop begins when the two characters are looking in a mirror: one at night, one in the morning. To escape, they must find the answer in themselves.

That's why the series becomes more disturbing towards the end – dealing with your own inner demons is terrifying and difficult. The more you dive, the darker the water is.

Nadia's mother never gets there – at the very least, she can not face each other. That's why she breaks all those mirrors, a metaphor for denial and avoidance.

But overcoming your darkest impulses finally leads to a major catharsis, which is the last episode "Ariane". By confronting their own disgust, Nadia and Alan are open to being loved.

As with any type of self-improvement, it is not so simple. After the respective awakening of Nadia and Alan, the deadlines are separated: Alan returns at the beginning of his loop (with a troubled Nadia) and Nadia at the beginning of his (with a suicidal Alan). They meet and try to convey what they have learned about life, each using his new strength to support and help others.

This links him even more to therapy ideas, which is a one-on. -a process, with a trained person trying to send his client on a path of self-discovery.

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  image "title =" picture "clbad =" lazyimage lazyload "data-src =" com / images /russian-doll-alan-1549269424.jpg?crop=1xw:1xh;center,top&resize=480:*"/>[19659006hnerNetflix[19659031youwillusetechnicaldistributedscreenedthatshowthatwehavehavebeentwoscenariosandthatisalsocertainforcertainButthiswidestgreatthemesofthecovery19659002]Using the double timeline we can see how the two characters have progressed, by allowing the "strong" versions of themselves to help others, it reminds us how much they have arrived, we see how they are at the beginning of their journey, in stark contrast to the modified versions.This also creates a powerful tension: can they save each other? </p>
<p clbad= But, nicely, they connect and we feel that t it will be fine from then on, they will support each other. they found freedom. When this feeling strikes us, the timeline merges, and Nadia and Alan are submerged by a glorious parade, with homeless dancing with homemade masks.

On a purely metaphorical level, it is an intelligent end. In many ways, Nadia and Alan wore masks to hide their trauma. Nadia used humor to protect herself, Alan was the control freak. Now they release themselves from their masks, Alan jumping and screaming and Nadia with an unusually serious expression on her face. They were lost, now they are found. They scream because they have succeeded catharsis – and so have we.

Leave the last word to Natasha Lyonne, co-creator, star and director of this glorious finale.

"I think that, especially during the making of these last episodes, it began to crystallize so that the series speaks about it," said Lyonne to "19459003] of Thrillist ." End of the last eight years, this is almost a show saying, "Hey kids, do not go out, give yourself a chance." "

" Emotionally, Nadia and Alan were two very different self-destructive characters finding, sort of, that common ground of reason for continuing to manifest themselves for life, if not just for themselves, then for each other. "

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