The Endgame Avengers Cross the Borders of Avatar's National Box Office


  Avengers: The Endgame box office overtakes the national box office avatar
Avengers: The reign of the epic sci-fi Avatar for the crown of the most profitable movie to date.

While Avengers continues threatening the reign of science fiction Avatar to crown the most profitable film of all time, he has defeated director James Cameron in the (North American) national market.

It became the second most profitable film of the North. America behind Star Wars: The Awakening of the Force.

According to Mojo Box Office, Avengers Endgame has reported $ 777 million so far, thus improving the $ 760 million Avatar.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens $ 936.66 million and is expected to stay there, as trade badysts believe it's unlikely that Endgame will prevail. The Star Wars movie had the benefit of a Christmas outing, which gave it unusually strong legs.

Earlier, Endgame had moved ahead of James Cameron's Titanic, which led him to congratulate Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige and his team on Twitter.

Endgame is the great conclusion of the Infinity saga in the film universe Marvel and closes the Thanos scenario started with Iron Man in 2008.

Avengers: Endgame also received very positive reviews, with a rate 94% satisfaction. ranking at Rotten Tomatoes. The consensus reads: "Exciting, entertaining and emotionally powerful, Avengers: Endgame does all it takes to deliver a satisfying finale to Marvel's Infinity Saga epic."

The Critic of Indian Express movie, Shalini Langer, wrote in his four A half-star review, "After working on the establishment of the final battle in Avengers: Infinity War, directors Anthony and Joe Russo are the only two-star critics. are organizing to give an effective, emotional, funny and even spectacular send to a host of characters that we have come to know (and love most often) more than 22 films and 10 years. "

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