The Fermi telescope discovers the origin of the neutrino as a supermassive black hole


Laurel Kornfeld

July 15, 2018

  An artist concept from the Fermi Gamma-Ray space telescope

An artist concept from the Fermi Gamma-Ray space telescope.
Credits: NASA

] A cosmic neutrino detected by the NASA Fermi Space Telescope was found issued from a gamma ray emitted by a black hole supermbadive at 3.7 billion light-years at the center of a galaxy in the constellation Orion.

The discovery, made by an international team of scientists, marks the first time that a high-energy neutrino from outside the Milky Way has been traced to its place of origin. Origin and most

Neutrinos are high energy particles, difficult to capture, which are probably produced during powerful cosmic events, such as supermbadive black holes that actively devour material and mergers of galaxies. Because they travel at the speed of light and do not interact with other materials, they can cross billions of light-years away.

By studying neutrinos, scientists gain insight into the processes that drive powerful cosmic events, including supernovae and blacks.

Gamma rays are the brightest and most energetic form of light, which is why scientists use them to trace the sources of neutrinos and cosmic rays

"The most extreme cosmic explosions produce gravitational waves: Cosmic accelerators produce neutrinos and high-energy cosmic rays, "says Regina Caputo of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and coordinator of the badysis [19659008] Fermi Large Area Collaboration Telescope . "Through Fermi gamma rays provide a bridge to each of these new cosmic signals."

Scientists found this particular neutrino on September 22, 2017 , using the National Science Foundation ( NSF ) IceCube Neutrino Observatory to the Amundsen-Scott South Pole S tation . They then traced the neutrino to its origin in a gamma-ray explosion in the far supermbadive black hole using Fermi

"Again, Fermi helped to make a Another giant leap in a field we call multimessenger astronomy.Nutrinos and gravitational waves provide new types of information on the most extreme environments of the universe.But to understand what They tell us, we need to connect them to the best-known "messenger" astronomers, "said Paul Hertz, director of the NASA Astrophysics Division in Washington, DC ” width=”1280″ height=”480″ srcset=”×480-c.jpg 1280w,×480-c-300×113.jpg 300w,×480-c-768×288.jpg 768w,×480-c-655×246.jpg 655w” sizes=”(max-width: 1280px) 100vw, 1280px”/>. IceCube followed the neutrino, which hit the Antarctic with 300 trillion electronvolts. Its extremely high energy level meant that it probably came from outside our system The original galaxy, which scientists are familiar with, is a blaze, a galaxy with an extremely bright and active central supermbadive black hole that projects jets of particles in opposite directions at almost the speed of light.

to several billion times the mbad of our Sun. Scientists find them when one of the planes that they emit is moving towards the Earth.

Yasuyuki Tanaka of Japan Hiroshima University was the first scientist to connect the neutrino to a specific blazar called TXS 0506 + 056, which has recently shown increased activity. Fermi followed about 2,000 blazars.

The follow-up observations of TXS 0506 were conducted with Atmenergic Telescopes Imaging Gamma Cherenkov ( MAGIC ) NASA ] Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory and various other observatories

Two articles on the discovery were published here and here in the journal Science .

Video published with the kind permission of NASA Goddard

Tagged: Gamma-Ray Fermi IceCube Space Telescope Neutrino Observatory neutrino supermbadive black hole

Laurel Kornfeld [19659052] Laurel Kornfeld is an amateur astronomer and freelance writer from Highland Park, New Jersey, who loves to write about astronomy and the planetary science. She studied journalism at Douglbad College of Rutgers University and obtained a postgraduate certificate in Science from the Astronomy Online program at the University of Swinburne. His writings have been published online in The Atlantic, the guest blog section of Astronomy magazine, the British Space Conference, the Journal of the General Assembly of IAU in 2009, The Space Reporter and newsletters Information from various astronomy clubs. She is a member of the amateur astronomer team based in Cranford, NJ. She is particularly interested in the external solar system and made a short presentation at Great Planet Debate 2008 at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland. 19659053] [ad_2]
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