The film industry is full of small and small people: Kangana Ranaut


  Photo of Kangana Ranaut
Kangana Ranaut bathes in the success of Manikarnika: the queen of Jhansi.

The actress Kangana Ranaut added a new title to her cap by making a noisy discussion. a director with her recent blockbuster Manikarnika. The actor has reclaimed the title of "queen" from the box office, but is she a mistress of all trades? When asked the question at the Signature Master Clbad event in New Delhi, Kangana replied, "A master? Well, I do not know. I do not know if I can do anything to absolute perfection, but there are things I can do well enough, like playing a role or now, I feel empowered. I also think that I am a good speaker. I do not know if I'm a master, but I'm sure I can do everything.

In a frank conversation with, Kangana then spoke of Manikarnika's success and the negative reactions of the industry.

Here are the extracts:

Q. With the success of tasting of Manikarnika, you are again called the Queen of Bollywood. What do you think of the tag?

Well, I'm grateful to be able to do that. I took a very big risk with the project. When the film was abandoned and I put myself in the place, everyone was like "you're ruined". Everyone told me that people would blame me (if the project fails.) At that time, I thought that if that was the case, then let it be. I'll see how it goes. I therefore took the risk of relaunching a project.

In the film industry, it is said that it is easier to make a film from the beginning, but it is difficult to revive a project. So this risk has paid off. However, there was more than a 50% chance that I did not do it. Now that I have it, the movie has become a little more special. It's not like the other director's debut, it's a little more special.


I think that professional life is like walking on a thin rope, especially when you're in a tense situation, that is to say, being an actor or a politician or someone who is always watched. I think the last few years have been extremely difficult for me. Some of my films did not work, and then two people filed a complaint against me, either for taking the rights of Manikarnika or for a personal vendetta. I felt stuck.

When I had an accident on the Manikarnika plateaus, I had 18 stitches on my forehead and sick people attacked me in the media.

I did not have this mbad of work. Like today, I'm an actor-director, so people have more confidence in me, but at the time, they were wondering what Kangana Ranaut is about. You can not go out and explain your heart to everyone. I had a phase where, in my heart, I was sure that maybe the world would know my truth one day or maybe I would die misunderstood. So yes, everyone is going through a difficult phase. I did it too. You live in this low phase for a while. However, I am not depressed. I keep myself happy. I am surrounded by my family and friends. I'm worried about my career but not that much.

Q. What did the success of Manikarnika teach you about the industry and the public?

My heart and soul were for the story that belongs to all of us. It was not that Rani Lakshmibai was a person who belonged to me. She belonged to everyone. All we are today, it is because of those who sacrificed their lives. My sincere effort was to create something for people. I did not charge a single penny to direct. I felt absolutely devotional. I felt like I served the people of this nation. And I get the same kind of answer. That's what I drew.

The people in the industry are absolutely obnoxious and gang up on the movie. They say nothing and ignore it. The din is so loud that even a small actor secretly sends me a message praising the film. You know, they do not dare to write it on social media. It's like that they're tied up. It's not that it does not hurt. There will be mental Hai Kya or Panga. These are not the films that I will say that I made for the nation. These are the movies you make or come on weekends. But Manikarnika was a special film. We had a film like Queen, Dangal or any other film that had an impact on society. Everyone should stand by Manikarnika, but it is unfortunate that their smallness manifests itself. What I think is that the industry is actually full of small and small people who do not go beyond what they like or do not like.

Q. Your outspokenness is quite impressive. What gives you courage?

I have six people who file a lawsuit against me. After that, I would have maybe eight more. But deep down, I know I'm talking about a bigger cause. Very rarely, a movie does not belong to one person, it belongs to the humanity or the nation. This kind of movies should be seen for what they are. I believe that in my heart, if my intention is good, I will never fall flat on my face.

Q. All those who have a problem with the film have they ever sat down with you to settle the differences?

I say everything openly. We wanted to show the movie to Krish in December but he never showed up. In fact, he was so sure that the film is completely destroyed and how can it be revived. But when I did it, and the minute he saw it, he said, "This is my film, it's my film," which is acceptable because the credit goes to him, but the question is to know why a lawsuit in front of the media? Why can not he meet me and tell me his concern? He never met me, never answered his concerns or never responded to the invitations my team and I sent him for the screening. Moreover, all those actors who claim that they were promised something but did not get it, secretly tell me, "We've been told you'll do solo interviews," this and that. I blocked them because, "Are you trying to butter both sides of the toast now?" These people have an agenda. Personally, I feel that if you have a sincere respect for the work, like me, Ankita, Prasoon or Shankar, they will not go out in public and will attack the film in such an important week. It's sabotage that these people are doing.

Sonu Sood is not allowed to talk about the project. He should not talk about the film because his contract was terminated. He does not hold any kind of participation in the film. Why does he tarnish the film? So these people have deeply rooted programs. The worst thing is that they claim to be part of the movie. It is shocking to see how people can exploit the situation. However, the time has come to celebrate this film as the film has reached the end of the conversation, Kangana Ranaut said Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi was important to wake people to nasty freedom. fighters. She added that it is extremely important to know our history.

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