The first North-East Olympic Games are inaugurated at Imphal The Morung Express


Nagaland team at the opening ceremonies of the first Northeast Olympic Games at the Khuman Lampak Sports Complex in Imphal on October 24th. (Photo by DIPR)

Imphal, October 24 (MExN): The first Manipur Prime Minister, N Biren Singh, today inaugurated the Northeast Olympic Games at the main stadium of Khuman Lampak sports complex in Imphal. The games will end on October 28th.

A report from the DIPR informed a total of 175 participants, including the Nagaland team leader and coaches, about the DIPR report.

There will be competitions in 12 different disciplines, including archery, athletes, badminton, football, judo, shooting, table tennis, weightlifting, the taekwondo, karate, boxing and wushu.

Addressing the meeting, the Chief Minister stated that, although Northeast India had a distinct identity with a similar culture and characteristics, it was also filled with potentials and natural and human capacities that have not yet been explored.

Socio-economic and geographical realities and challenges have held back the pace of progress and development, as has the long cherished dream of the region to create a platform for peace and friendship through sport, said the Prime Minister.

He also announced that a joint meeting of the North East Olympic Association of July 24, 2017 had decided to hold a NE sports meeting, first stage under the name of the Olympic Games of Northeast.

Singh also noted that the region had talents, huge potentials in the sport but also in other fields and fields. Many athletes from Manipur and the north-east of the country have done and our country is proud of its many achievements at the regional, national and international levels, he added.

In this regard, the Chief Minister urged all athletes to ensure that games play an important role in maintaining a healthy body and mind, and to invite them to play loyally to promote the spirit of friendship and cooperation between players.

He declared the match open, followed by the swearing-in ceremony, the team march, the presentation of the music and the cultural program.

Imphal, manipur

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